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RE: Legends of Tomorrow- review

in #busy6 years ago

Out of all the series in the arrowverse i like legends the most the series knows not to take itself seriously and it's more of a buddy comedy than a superhero action series. The first two seasons had a decent storyline were decent this 3rd one has got a little iffy though doesnt seem to be going anywhere.

The crossover episodes were the arrowverse series all combine over a week is also a great idea and the first ive seen it executed on that level.

Having said that the show does have its draw backs like you said the CGI isnt great and the character development is paper thin, which i hate because i love the Atom from the comic books and Brendan Roth is a great actor who im sure could bring so much to the role. There is also a most mordern agenda being pushed through the writing.

Im not here to listen to peoples politial beliefs i just want to be entertained