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RE: The Normalization of downvotes | Read this post, then downvote it

in #busy5 years ago

no post promotion should come with a profit

This is the only part I disagree with. What is the point of using a bidbot if you never get something back to put into the next promotion?

More importantly now with the 50/50 split.

Surely abuse of the bid bot should take precedence. If someone promotes an Actifit post into trending or a meme or basically short content meant for reward mining, that deserves downvotes.

A blanket judgment on bid bots should be avoided.

Posted using Partiko Android


You get the promotion and exposure from having your post trending!

And consider I said profit, I never said the author shouldn't get any steem back, just not more than what he paid for in the promotion process while using a bid bot

That could work post HF but I can almost guarantee that getting into trending is just a magnet for downvotes no matter how good the content is.

That essentially means promotion is not really worth losing Steem over.

I get where you are coming from, but downvoting bid bot content should not be that base line. 👍👍

Posted using Partiko Android