Medicine Cards Or Tarot Cards - What's the Difference?

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Native American Medicine


As many people are coming to find out, I am doing Medicine Card readings and some of the terms need some clarification. First, I would like to take the time to thank @sweetjoy for suggesting I write this blog, for some reason Great Spirit (as he often does) has sent her to me and she is becoming a fast and trusted friend.

The term medicine is a common one and used by many cultures; today, we have modern medicine, eastern medicine, or herbal medicine. Literally hundreds if not thousands who claim to have healing techniques from all around the world. Many individuals proclaim to have the techniques taught by a shaman or ancient teacher, or as some people have stated to me through spiritual teachings, or meditation by reaching the akashic records.

If you aren't following me so far, then please do some additional research to catch up.

As mentioned in previous blogs I've written I do not claim to be a shaman or have been on a shaman journey, it is my feeling it is related to witchcraft and something that I am not willing to experience. This is my choice, and for that nothing coming from my readings or what I share with Steemit will be of that nature. The focus of medicine that I assist with is that of the Native American medicine taught by my lineage of medicine people.

The type of healing I am sharing with the Steemit community is not common and with each reading I am imparting energy work, a Native American healing ceremony, and a Medicine Card draw or pull.

The best I can explain what I do is through this video:


The cards I am using are not in relation to dark energies but those of the Light. What is most important is that whatever photo or message that is transmitted is within the sacred and protected circle of the medicine wheel. The message, table setting, maybe a song, is a special Native American ceremony for each individual and gifted through Spirit.

One thing to keep in mind is that the card itself is just a tool used by someone who is being taught by a Great Teacher, Elder, or some say Enlightened One. There are many who claim that they are being taught by someone of this caliber, but in reality this is not true. For some reason, there are those that wish to make themselves more than what they are, and I still haven't quite understood this part of humanity.

Regardless, there are more testimonies as to what I am sharing on Steemit every day, and to the authenticity of the medicine practices being shared. The authenticity through Medicine Card readings is only an extension of how I am being trained, a tool of only a small portion of the message being used as opposed to the entirety of the message being shared.

See some of my reviews by Foxy Spirit here, A Polymask here, and Charisma here.

Medicine Cards


The decks I have chosen to use are related to photographs, since those are what is attractive to most people. I chose the Mystical Shaman Oracle deck simply because the photos called to me and as I have noticed by many others too. It is the most popular deck I am being asked to use. The second is the Chakra Wisdom Oracle, which I found intriguing because of the energy work I do, and this comes in handy when our bodies and life are unbalanced. Previously, I was using the Medicine Cards deck because it was a deck I used when I was a kid but this is being changed for a new deck I will be introducing next week on #MedicineCardMonday.

As a friendly reminder, these decks are just a tool and if you happen to pick up a deck and do not get messages then this may not be the work for you. The decks were only a tool that I use to enhance my intuitive muscle in my Native American medicine woman training. The gifts I have are not necessarily your own gifts. We all have gifts, its just about finding your gift that you are imparting to the world.

One thing I will touch on at another time is the use of animals and what they are when combined with spirituality. I have seen a few attempts and while they are almost accurate, there is pertinent information missing. To remember that when we are playing around with the spirit world many of these journeys, languages, and practices are very powerful. They are not to be played with and can cause harm.

As someone recently expressed to me, when we are teaching and we have the authority then it is wise to be very careful with what we teach. Since many will take it upon themselves to try to teach in their ignorance, sometimes to the point of harming themselves or others in the process. It is more fruitful to learn from an experienced teacher and to back up facts by doing research. Trust but verify.

Tarot Cards


Tarot has a very interesting history, at least that is being shared with the general human population. Mostly, that prior to 18th Century A.D., there isn't a record of tarot card decks. The "known" origination of Tarot into the occult was in France around the year 1780. When the word occult is mentioned that is primarily referenced to fortune-telling, and/or during the induction of tarot into the Cabala by Eliphas Levi in the year 1856,

When we dig a little further past The Encyclopedia Britannica, we find that there was a game in Italy called the naïbbi that was played around the year 1375. The "game" was brought to Italy from the sarrasin, and the full tarot deck was created around the years 1420-1425. During that time people played the game for money.

The Charles VI tarot deck is the suggested deck that was used for divination. The tarot in divination covers three methods:

  1. Tarot of events or matter: love, health, money, and travel.

  2. Tarot of psychological or emotional: some psychologists use these to find the "right words."

  3. Tarot of energy or knowledge: energy of the raw world, wisdom, and the path to knowledge.

Tarot is so popular today and on Steemit that there are quite literally hundreds of decks to choose from, and even a #TarotTuesday. Some of the oldest cards can be found on The Met's blog page too. I found the photos fascinating.

Again, we go back to who is connected to dark, light, or balanced. Some people are obtaining messages from unhealthy sources and may be unbalanced in life themselves. Most often, without them even knowing who they are communicating with.

Many people are out to make money, however, there are some really good readers out there. I met a gypsy once that gave me an amazing reading and was what we call a seer. One of my ancient relatives came by for a visit and gave me a message.

How do I know the ancient was really there? Well I saw and heard her too! That is the beauty of having the gift too. I can tell who really has talent and who does not. From my experience, the latter is the most prevalent, so what would be my words of advice? Always do your research, and trust but verify.

If you are looking for a medicine card reading then that would entail a full on healing session by yours truly. If you are looking for some entertainment and possible accuracy scour the tarot Steemit pages for a reader that comes with 100 percent accuracy testimonials. My experience gives me the ability to do tarot as well, and I do have a deck but my intention here on Steemit is to assist in medicine work.Peace.

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If you would like a personal Medicine Card reading 1, 3, or 4 using the Mystical Shaman deck or a 1, 4, 5, or 7 using the Chakra Oracle deck :

Send 2 STEEM per card. (If you deem the reading worth more, it will be happily accepted!) Please take note that prices have increased due to reading request demands, and if a 3 or more card reading is chosen that takes over an hour.

Each person is given a special one-on-one healing energy session with a reading sent from a Reiki Master Teacher, that be me. Additionally, the reading is set up with you in mind with different stones, feathers, wands, or incense that are intuitively gifted from the Universe.

Photos will be provided and explained.

You can find me on Discord under the name Eagle Spirit #4491, or through the group @ifc Marketplace under Eagle Spirit's energy work channel.

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Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a First Nation member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Medicine Woman in training, first time blogger since November 2017, right here on Steemit, paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the Mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, energy work, and the Spirit World. If that’s you, please say hello!
See you soon, @eaglespirit

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Eagle Spirit’s Disclaimer
Energy therapy is a natural method of energy balancing, but is not meant as a substitute for medical, or psychological diagnosis and treatment.

Energy practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.

Energy therapy or any other natural healing therapy should not compete with medical doctors and their treatments. All therapies are meant to complement medical treatments.

If you wish to learn more about Reiki energy work or the methods I use to assist others in Native American medicine practices feel free to contact me privately.


Great post. So insightful. Beautiful video. You are a great asset to Steemit and the world!
May our Father bless and keep you.

thank you so much my dear friend, i’m so happy to have met you and grateful that you were sent to me. i accept your blessing with open arms and thankfulness. blessings to you always and forever.

I always find reading your posts so insightful keep them coming

awww you are so kind and i thank you so much. you are one of my faves for sure!! tattjaythug ahhahahah

Thanks for this information and post. I may be interested in a reading by you at some point. We'll have to chat more...

sweeheet!! i look forward to getting into the uniwhisp energy! woot!! :)

So nice of you to do this, and you explained it very well. I hope a lot of people will be interested. Much love to you 💚

awww thanks so much!! as you know splainnin is nt always easy!:) canr wait to see more of your travel stuff. i like those a lot. hugs

beautiful photography friend You have my support. I hope to count on your support to keep growing. regards

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

this is my first reading of this, never heard of medicine cards before.

glad you stopped by then !! thanks for taking the time to read. :)

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Blessings @eaglespirit I have been a strong follower of the standing rock protests that took place and the great Indians who stood up for the sacred water. Pachamama thanks many wise souls

hey there, thank you for your support of Mother Earth and water, it is one of our most precious gifts and much needed one by all! :)

Indeed 😉

blessings to you NK

This is such a well written and informative post, my Dear Friend! The wisdom that you are sharing about Native American medicine is totally fascinating. I am looking forward to reading more!

Thank you my kind sir!! I've missed you and hope you are well. So happy to get you fascinated, with your experience who woulda thought? ahahahh wink wink

I really like your medicine card blog-posts!
Always good and constructive vibes from @eaglespirit's readings. They bring value to the steemit community as a whole! Well done! And keep it up!

thank you so much my kind friend FF!! you are such a great spirit and i thank you dearly.

Thank you @eaglespirit, you too!

sweet soul, i'm so happy we bumped into each other. happy friday!

Thank you @eaglespirit and happy weekend! I enjoy your posts and I like your style! Looking forward to reading more articles and card-readings from you! =) Keep them coming and you'll find me in the comment section!

happy tears. you are so kind and sweet. i thank you so much and very happy to hear you like them. :)

When I was about 10 or so, I was given a Medicine Card Deck when we were visiting a small town on Orcas Island in Washington. I tried doing my 9 totem animals and it really resonated with me - to the point that I still have them cataloged and have been getting them (slowly..) tattooed on me. They've always guided me!

Anyway, I got my hands on my own deck in college, and started doing regular readings on myself. It was a great meditation and time of reflection. I fell out of it, but have been thinking recently I should take it up again.

Your post is a great motivator, so thanks for that!

Interesting history, thank you for stopping by and reading/commenting.

Interestingly, the native medicine is a good alternative for what modern medicine can not solve, I would like to know more about the subject.

excellent! stay tuned ... maybe .. i haven't decided how much i will share since most of it is sacred and only used amongst my people. i will share as much as i feel i can. :)

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yay thank you so much my friends! xoxo