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RE: Coinbase and Steem, Everyone is talking about it... Contest with Prizes

in #busy6 years ago

So as I guessed, you're not ready to actually experience Steem as a newcomer and see the truth for yourself. Funny, how "everything is fine" is being repeated time after time again by Steem preachers, yet ordinary people, who we need to attract are complaining. What gives? And sadly I don't have any magical powers, I just use Steem a lot, have been for years, seen the complaints, as I interact with smaller fish mainly, and see how Steem preachers just keep repeating "everything is fine" while their own head is in the sand. That's not magic, that's just reality.

Even better view is gotten from people who have seen Steem but decided not to join, go ask around how they feel. They're the majority, after all, aren't we one of the few places monetizing content, yet we're having troubles attracting any serious ones or keeping them. Yep, we just need coinbase and everything is fine.

Let's repeat the mantra.


So, you've been experiencing Steem for years? I do have a small account and I have several family members who have joined and not stayed and one that has joined and stayed.

I get that it is hard... I created this account pennies at a time. I made 96 posts that didn't earn a thing.
So forgive me if I don't feel too bad for those who want it to be simple.

One thing for sure the large stakeholders could work harder at supporting the site, but you just look silly saying it from a lvl 31 account. It isn't for you to say....