1 of 7 The DTube Revolution My undelegated 10k SP will go directly to DTube Contributors in 5 days

in #busy6 years ago

As I promised in my last post, I’ll be 7X ing my Dtube contribution.

I’ll get back my 10k SP from @Dlive delegation in 5 days. And I’m planning to use this SP to empower 10 individual Dtube contributors straight away.

Next 5 days I’ll be doing my own research and find out who are the real top 10 dtube contributors are. However I need your help to make sure my delegation goes to the right people. Because we need to collaborate together to make Dtube great.


So please ONLY COMMENT the Steemit username of the top 10 individual who you believe are greatly contributoring to DTube.

Please DO NOT comment unless you’re including your recommended TOP 10 Dtube contributors in your comment.

Please note that I’m not asking for top 10 Dtube content creators and I’m asking the individual who are adding value to DTube growth massively. Hope this make sense.

Let’s together make DTube and Steem GREAT

Thanks 🙏


This is an awesome thing you doing for the community, here are some guys that I personally think are killing it regardless of reputation or popularity :)


@yosuandoni is a steemian that's not just doing an amazing work as a quality content creator, he's also a fighter against the bad practices within the platform, if someone deserve this initiative is him.

Exactly! If we all fight bad practices here then it’ll make it a great environment to make & curate content 😀

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wow,, amazing brother,, :)

thanks bro..
but I can't live streming now.. hopefully in the future I can stretch it smoothly.. :)

I've noticed you for a while and thought I'd give some love to a few gamers who deserve some attention. You being one of them :D

I'm not a live streamer, just uploads videos :D Just keep doing what you're doing :D

Thank you! I appreciate it!

No worries, you never go unnoticed to me so it was a no brainer :D

I know @yosuandoni and I think he's really killer, doing an incredible job.

cierto hace un trabajo excelente

Thank you so much @xr-hammergaming!!! No one ever picks me lol I am such a misfit hehe well actually @clixmoney did but no one else!! Thank you so so much for thinking of me <3

I couldn't not could I :D Misfits are awesome!!

@yosuandoni Since I started in steemit I have shown that with hard work, you can go far

@yosuandoni is a dedicated and committed person. I recommend it to him.

@yosuandoni is amazing, excellent that
you have nominated

Thank you
It was a surprise to me <3

Hey amazing nominated @yosuandoni this help with the dtube users, gamming comunity and with the plagirism.
Good nomination, have my support

@yosuandoni rocks as pro Dtuber! =)

@yosuandoni es un gran usuario que apoya a todos y esta comprometido con todo lo que hace. Saludos :)

Smart choice by nominating @yosuandoni, @xr-hammergaming. Not only he produces amazing original content but he's, all in all, a most valuable and prolific user here on Steemit.

@yosuandoni Is great! I hope he will receive the delegation.

@yosuandoni does an excellent job in the community. Work very hard to share quality content.

My vote for @yosuandoni. His perseverance at work makes him worthy.

It is amazing what You are doing for the community. There are so many People working hard on making this a better place for everyone. I only can nominate 10 so here they are:

No specific order and I could nominate so many more. I hope no one that I left out get offended. YOU GUYS KNOW I LOVE YOU ALL.

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Oh wow thank you @sergiomendes. I'm truly humbled that you would nominate me.

You know I adore you and what you create

Omg I feel so honoured...thank you for believing in me as well. You need to be on this list as well @kenmelendez!

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Hey, thank you for thinking of me!

Whaaaat!? Thank you @kenmelendez! Super stoked you think I'm adding value to @dtube. I agree with @originalmrspice, you need to be on the list too...

Thank you @kenmelendez! I appreciate that man. Means a lot.

Here you go bro, DDaily fam members that have not delegation from you so far but they really deserve it:

Oh wow thank you man! I'm grateful.

no probs ;)

Here is my list in no certain order Nathan:
@nathanmars <-- did I make you smile :) hehe ok back to serious..
@cinema613 Nathan I am breaking the rules with Cinema because he has only posted one video as of yet. But I do not see his channel for what it is now. I see it for what it will become. This man is an absolute powerhouse of talent. I know a delegation would boost him as well as encourage him. I do understand however if he doesn't qualify.

I had written people and then checked Steemworld.org one by one but then I noticed some of them already had your support. So I kept my list to people I believe in who are absolutely amazing at what they bring to the table here on @dtube but who do not have any or much delegation. These people always work very hard bringing us quality DTube content consistently.

Thank you for all of the support you are giving the entire DTube community. We appreciate you very much Nathan.

Wa! Bowled over to be voted for, especially by you 😀😀😍

@nathanmars my votes go for

@kawaiicrush @girlygamer @kenanqhd @waybeyondpadthai @d00k13 @vincy @gray00 @techcoderx @toddmck @romafedorov

In all fairness there’s too many to mention, I could make a much bigger list. I almost hate to have to narrow it down.

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And yeah to be fair I think you (Nathan) are one of the true steemians, a true believer whose stuck with steem through all the low points as well as high. Much respect

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I told you a long time ago Alex and I will say it again! You are Alex Flippin Absolute! And don't you forget it! Your content is always exciting.. you always add value to Steemit/DTube, and it is always exciting to follow your journey! You just had to be on that list <3 @alexabsolute

Thanks it’s great to feel the love ❤️ you too, together we will build a solid future for this platform and not just a platform but a global family

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Thank u SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!

Im SOOOO happy rn XDDDDD @alexabsolute

giphy (3).gif

Your welcome, keep being you and steem on! I wish I had started here as young as you, you are the future of things like this 😀😀

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Thanks a lot for the nomination bro.
Good luck to whoever gets the delegation. Great idea @nathanmars

My pleasure, yeah it’s a great idea hey

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Right on brother thank you for the vote of confidence 💪

I say take it for yourself though 😉 I already got the @Nathanmars love once and there are so many more that could benefit such as yourself.

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Your welcome 😀 I’m sure whomever it goes to will be truly deserving

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Wow Cheers Kawaii :D
Big hugs girl :D
Yeeow :)

I see you Jeff!! I SEE YOU!!! hehe <3 <3 <3

Your balance is below $0.3. Your account is running low and should be replenished. You have roughly 10 more @dustsweeper votes. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here: https://steemit.com/dustsweeper/@dustsweeper/dustsweeper-faq

It was so sweet of you to mention me! I love that you included @jeffandhisguitar also! His vids are so cool! Music Dtubers are a somewhat underappreciated genre on here. :) This is a cool idea @nathanmars! Thanks for being so supportive to fellow Steemians!

Awwwww Thankyou Beth :DD
Mega thanks for the kind words :)
Sending hugs and bumps across the pond girl!!
Sorry I haven't been uploading much recently, but your comment has given me a kick up the ass to get creative again :D
Cheers muchly and have a sweet day!!

Thankyou @Kawaiicrush for this. I kinda feel like an outsider sometimes because all I do is gaming and It's not very popular here on Dtube. I appreciate you thinking of me and including me in this :)

I know how you feel to be honest. But being different is not a bad thing, it makes you stand out from the crowd of 100,000 plus DTubers! And out of those 1/10th of a million people you were who I thought of! Think about that for a minute! Also I love gaming! Ava and I get into gaming more through fall and winter! She plays Fortnite, Roblox, and a bunch of games on Steam! Not to mention we still dust off the old XBox, Wii U, and play games on there too.. to be honest I still like Mario but shh don't tell anyone ok! I love what you are doing with your channel and I really believe you are spearheading gaming here on DTube! <3

Talk soon @xr-hammergaming

You're right it's not a bad thing and I'm grateful that you thought about me :)
Hey I like Mario too haha nothing wrong with Mario. I have a switch with plenty of Mario games, even older consoles like the N64 with a bunch of Mario games :) I play more games than I show on my channel. Some games arent as easy to record and some games I like to play purely in comfort or with the kids. I hear you about winter, my kids spend more time indoors so we end up playing a lot of computer together.
Honestly thank you for your generosity. Have a great day :)

You too! Quick question and now I will reveal 'sort of' my age! lol Have you heard of Maniac Mansion? I had it on my old Commodore 128! :D
That is my favorite RP game of all time!!!

Haha actually I think Commodore was just a little before my time. Just a little mind. My first console I remember playing was an Amstrad, it was an older sibling though not mine. The first console I owned was a NES :)

Yeah NES is so nostalgic for me! I flippin love that console!

Very solid choices

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@freedompoint <<been using it daily for a year and love to hear him speak

@snook you sweet and kind lady! Thanks for thinking of me. We are headed your direction !!! Just a heads up haha

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!! I can not wait!!

Thank you @snook. That means a lot to me. I truly appreciate it.

I can recommend the most beautiful and beautiful dtuber in the universe: @rosaimm.

We have problems with the internet connection, for that reason it has not been able to publish more videos. I hope it is resolved soon.

Greetings my friend, a hug

Thanks my friend !

I'm looking forward to watching @rosaimm on Dtube soon :)

Happy Sunday !!

this is an incredible opportunity, personally, I give faith that @yosuandoni is the right one to do healing work since he has a lot of experience and his work is exceptional, he is dedicated and even passionate in the search of the cure of quality content or abandoned.

Thanks for your suggestions.

I’ll certainly look into it :)

Have a wonderful day!!

I think his work is very good and you have to help him and support him @yosuandoni

Heey! Resteemed! :)) have a great day! Ferco