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RE: Publish and be damned

in #busy5 years ago

Welcome back.

Well yes that is what I have been trying to say (less polished of course) for ages! We need to post what we like. If we are trying to post to win favor, well this becomes a job not an enjoyment.


Totally agree, I cannot churn out stuff that doesn't interest me anymore than I can follow people that dont interest me. I mean how could that possible work?

Good to be back writing again. I have missed it. The real world got a little complex for a while but it's all under control now. !tip

It happens. No shame in that. Just happy to see you are back! I thought maybe you had tired of it here. I know people like @dswigle can wear anyone down LOL!!!

Haha just found your comment. Awww @dswigle is a sweetie pie and you know you are two peas on a pod.
Bwa haha

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