
That is a powerful image. One day I will act on my idea of interviewing random old people in the city. Their experience and wisdom is trapped inside them... I'd love to draw it out.

I know right? It shocked me too. I'm also curious about old people, I'd love to see that! If you do it someday, please record it!

This is another strongly striking visual from you. You will do well here if you can maintain your progress through the hard process of building a following. Your picture is well chosen, and you've picked some interesting categories for this. You might want to correct the misspelling in the title, since leaving the "h" out of "through" creates a different word that doesn't quite fit. A charming post!

Hi, @markrmorrisjr! Sorry I didn't reply sooner.
Omg, I'm so embarrassed I misspelled that. Thank you for letting me know, I changed it already.
And thank you again for your feedback! I hope I can make it. Loved this assignment about small post. When I discovered Steepshot thanks to you, it made a diffrence. I have a whole new schedule for when #dolphinschool is over, and I'm excited!