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RE: Palm oil free soap - #IndigoSaturday

in #busy5 years ago

What a cool post for Indigo Sunday, and after recently seeing some of the statistics about plastics and the amount of waste that comes from it I have started ot try using fewer plastics I now have shopping bags in the car made from recycled materials, and try not to use single-use plastics but i had not thought of shampoos and conditioner i will be on the look out for somehting similar here ;)


Yep it is a global issue that we can all do our bit to reduce. I started the same as you by just getting some proper shopping bags and leaving them in the car.

I have started [to] try using fewer plastics I now have shopping bags in the car made from recycled materials

The more I thought about it and looked around the house the more I knew there was much more that I could do. We are targeting the low hanging fruit and quick fixes like the soaps above. Easy to change things are at least a start.

Think globally, act locally.

Sadly I dont think the big players and governments are doing enough but if we all do our little bit we can make a huge difference

So true mate, every day that we reduce our use/dependance on these plastics the faster the manufacturers will jump onboard. Governments have never been so useless as now.

Yes we can turn the tide if we all do our bit