STACH Provides Free Internet as a Means of Supporting the Steem Blockchain Education

in #busy6 years ago (edited)


This morning I was with @ejemai, the founder of STACH in his hotel room in Uyo and we were discussing one of the major challenges facing Nigerians which is that there is limited internet supply in the country. A lot of young people who are talented and smart are missing the opportunities that are available in the block chain ecosystem. Most of them do not even know what's happening. One of the causes of this lack of information is that internet is expensive and not fully available in some quarters.

In this video, @ejemai talks about the need for free internet in the country and how he is using the Steem Accelerator Hub to help society.

STACH free internet is going to facilitate the adoption of blockchain technology because members will now have free and unlimited access to internet. This would encourage them to empower themselves with knowledge and improve their lives.

Thank you for your time.



Great Innovation . Nice job guys

@tojukaka u guys are doing an amazing job out there hope u will be in warri soon ???

Great way of empowering youths, only bad thing is that out youths are wrongly informed, they use the internet,for very wrong reasons. Some they will use that as an opportunity to be be internet famous. Exposure , thought process redirecting and education still very much lacking.

You gays in Nigeria are doing a great job to the development of steemit
you are setting an example for all of us to follow

Beautiful, almost like the original, a great post. @tojukaka

This is awesome. I love the whole stach idea. It is amazing.

Yeah me too
There are many ways we can use steem to help society

This is amazing. I seriously can't wait for stach launch in uyo

As far as the idea has free in it..
It's a cool one (lols)

Wow. That's quite thoughtful of you guys. God bless you.

Steemit Nigeria is really doing an amazing job.
Stach is awesome!

Good job

Wow this is amazing iam waiting for this

this project is really great , i paticipated in one of the contests to write a story on {this is not a game} although i didnt win , still you guys are doing a great job ..

jah bless
allah bless
yahweh bless you guys

All of them bless them...

we can become a better journalist with steemit it's unbelievable limit, it gives a chance to open up to an unknown world

Truly a great cause. This guy’s changing the world

I love the whole stach idea it's an awesome way to help steemians

@stach is really creating value for steemit and i think he ( @ ejemaia ) deserves support

Great post,really love it,,post could you upvote ,comment and resteem this post ,am grateful

wow, i really admire this bro, keep da em up

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We chatted briefly a while back about a Universal Basic Income program that I am involved in using crypto currency. Through it we are looking to end worldwide poverty. I know Nigeria is a hot bed for STEEM and would like you to pass the word about this. Starting in January, tokens will be deposited in people's wallets on a weekly basis. It is a basic income concept so there is nothing to do other than sign up.

Please help me spread the word through your network. Here is an article I wrote detailing it.

I hope all in your country get involved so that we can raise the standard of living there.

Cool idea

All Power to the People!

You guys are doing a great job. My ear stood when I read free data. lol. I hope you guys visit Benin come January 2018

We are really looking forward to how we can maximize stach hub in uyo community. Thanks @ejemai and @tojukaka

Your innovation is mindblowing. Well done.

This is a welcome development at time like this. Thanks to STACH for this initiative and special thanks to @ejemai the man with a good heart.

@tojukaka we are waiting for you in Ibadan, thank you Sir.
This is very brilliant, well-done.

Great guy and excellent work you doing dude cannot agree with you more on this. Power issues and lack of internet access are what kills the spirit of young internet users in Nija. You doing great. Thanks for sharing

Wonderful Movements, I suggest you use to upload your videos, for you would earn more on this same very community