A few days ago I made a post about Byteball and the free airdrop to Steemians who successfully registered and completed the full process. I stated in my post that I would be more than willing to help anyone out to receive the free airdrop and would also send you the 49,000 Gbyte tokens your would need to pay the registration fees. Several of you took me up on my offer, downloaded the wallet successfully and posted your deposit address in my comments section. I sent every single person who posted a wallet address 49,000 tokens but only one person followed the directions in my post to complete the process and receive the free drop. Everyone else just got the tokens and did not continue. How do I know this? Because, it showed up on my side if you actually followed through to get the airdrop. I walked several people through the process on the phone and I saw the transaction clear on my side every time in my chat feed.
Now I’m sure some people already got the airdrop and posted a deposit address for me to send them free tokens to “game the system”......if you were one of those people, shame on my. I really don’t care but it’s kinda sad the lengths some of you will go to get free tokens that you don’t deserve. If you got tokens from me and did not complete the process you did not get the millions of Gbyte tokens that you should have gotten. It’s not too late! You must complete all the steps for the airdrop to work successfully. Please review my post about the airdrop and familiarize yourself with all the steps and proceed. If you need help please let me know and I’ll do the best I can to assist you.
Hey broncnutz. I only posted my address on your page but I received over 10+ transfers. Maybe try just adding the link instead of sending the deposit right away.
Guilty as charged! Having trouble locating my private key, it wants me to login to steemconnect? Which I am hoping is legit, however my auto complete which works fine on steemit when I need to transfer steem with my laptop won't complete the field for the password on steem connect, so looks like I'll need my keys and will have to enter them in manually. I can refund the 49k you sent on byteball if you'll send me your public address. Once again thanks for looking out for us and I apologize for not being able to complete all the steps in a more timely fashion.
I'm not worried about .07 usd brother. no need to send any tokens back. steemconnect is legit and ok to login that way. thats how you actually get the airdrop.
Bots have been stealing the referrals for a while now, pretty much ever since the first day byteball put out the referral bonuses to steemians.
I am not regesterd on byteball . How this regestration ? I hope this side is helpful .
Upvote you .Thanks for sharing @broncnutz
Hey brother I finally got mine to go through and work out. This whole process was a cluster phuk on byteball especially the referral process?! I don't think or can't imagine anyone running around collecting multiple penny transactions from everyone trying to collect byteball? What a waste of time IMO. I think this whole process should have been better thought out and better created by the byteball team. Enjoyed brother.
So was I the only one? - hope so, I think it worked.
I'm stunned!
Thanks for your help. Have a Lambo :)
Damn. Can I have one too? Lol
I was not aware of byteball process but my brother helped me and I got my bytebalk air drops thanks broncnutz for telling about this.
I have got 16 SBD form byteball. I also invite all steemit friends.
thank you @broncnutz.
There has been a lot of referral scam on ByteBall, actually the person who sends the payment, get the referral rewards. So some people set scripts to send these payments automatically to the new registered wallets. This thing has stolen many many referrals rewards from many of us.
Knowing this situation, ByteBall has cut off this step of sending payment. Now, you don't need to pay to complete your registration. About referrals, other person has to join through link.
Here is the official announcement. https://medium.com/byteball/byteball-steem-attestations-now-referral-by-link-only-8ec6c79276b5
i m waiting to reach my reputation to 50 ....now on 47
I am sad, though I am not eligible for this offer, but i referred to some people but someone else mostly the bots snipped my referral.
Please, tell me how to initiate the process and how to complete it? I am have not started as yet.
i have completed full process and i got 14$ FROM THERE ONLY BECAUSE OF YOU
@broncnutz, I am completed our byteball process but i am not redeemd good wallet because my reputation is not good. Tell me if my guess is correct or not???????????
Dude, it is brutal how dishonest people can be. I bet there were so many getting multiple people sending them the 49,000 bytes. The worst part is, it is literally $0.07. All that for 7 cents. Sad.
I follow the step but I can't get the airdrop yet🤣🤣🤣
Thanks for reminding. Many of people doung process. I had already done byteball process. And thanks for your sharing dear. Byteball is intresting crypto currency
Byteball has helped us a lot. specially new steemit members I do not know the language of gratitude
I have thought that byteball will be very profitable airdrot but I was rong .I don't like byteball. thanks to you for sharing this post.
Byteball has already created waves with your promotion now it will fly high.
I am sell 0.3 GB but no received to my BTC, 6 days ago, what do you think friend
Sir I am new user on Steemit
My reputation is just 30%
Sir I am best apvoter and comments sir please help me Thank you
Sir your post is very beautiful very interesting your all post I love your #post @brocnutz https://steemit.com/photography/@asadpannu/sollar-system-esy-life
very Amazing beautiful very interesting Post thanks for sharing
i did it
how can I got this?
How can I initialize my process please?
@broncnutz I appreciate your friendship and I know what you mean about the people that were gaming the system...........
Hahaha great to see sir,byteballs is awesome for us.
Hello Friend how are you,dont worry about me i have claimed the rewards.
There is always the malicious person who comes with other intentions. Wrong done, as this is a great opportunity to receive GBytes quickly and easily. Who knows how many more days we'll have this facility.
Hellon @broncnutz, did i miss any steps? I dont think I did.. I think i followed all the steps until i changed my password... i did receive the "airdrop" if i understand the term correctly. there were approx $19 worth of coins available in the wallet now. The only strange thing is i think i managed to activate the thing before you sent the 49000 bytes or something...
i already got mine way back thanks for sharing
AirDrops make the Panties Drop 👙
is out transfer 49000 for get reff money.Where is now youre ref link ?More easy got now free rewrds for referr.Bad i not have level+30 for can make this step
There are a lot of problems with the airdrop because byteball allowed for the last payment transfer for the fee to receive the referral money. So there has been tons of sniping of referrals as well as those collecting extra fees. The referral link does not give a referral bonus. Just a mess because of the poor referral rules instituted by byteball.
My byteball address
i checked a bunch of people asking for referrals who did it repeatedly i checked their history, that's for spare change they lie, thats no shame. I got my airdrop it was nice, and just one person referred me its lame people do that shit
Man people are soo f greedy. I got a bunch of them who scammed me for 1 cent lolz it is what it is. Still made a nice profit with it so I'm happy!
Have a good one @broncnutz, no worries , life is good!
Edit 😂wrong post. But Byteball is awsome @kid4life was the one who brought it to my attention, I tought this was his post.
I have completed correctly and i get my bonus too, Thank you ,if you want to trade and grow your bonus , take a look at this article .
When i get to 40 i can use your link, i think the fee sending period is over and now reffs work without it. I can be wrong but slim chance :)
La verdad que no he hecho nada de esto amigo, no tengo la menor idea y quisiera saber como es!
It's not the Steemians that didn't comeplete the steps, there are bots that automatically send the amount to people that posted their address in the comments, those bots "stole" the referall rewards from you (or other Steemians).
There were several bots looking for addresses. They sent the bytes to the address before the referrer did and in that way stole the referral.
It may not be shame on your viewers, you may just have gotten got by a bot.
Someone can help up my reputation? :/ i really want join to airdrop
um no stop begging and buy some upvotes from @booster if you want a rep score higher! you realize how ruyde it is for yuou to come here and just begfoir free money after we have all spent YEARS building our rep scores? You can get in teh back of the line like everyoen else!
No more mr nice guy, this is EARTH and im TIRED of lazy peopel who want FREE shit!
Why didnt yoiu fucking POST and EARN your rep????
Why dont you fucking post and earn yoru rep score!
you know you already have 33 rep you can get your $5
ohg you want mroe? WORK FOR IT
here i flagged you for begging :) We dont allow begging here :)
Thank you very much thank you so much thank you very much for posting an important thing on Steemit You can post very well on my behalf and your posts are extremely expensive and very nice You are a very great man
That really bad sir they feel shame on getting extra bytballs from you as you said shame on them