Byteball Airdrop for Steem Users. Get up to 160$ for Free.

in #byteball6 years ago (edited)


Byteball has joined us on Steemit and is giving out free bytes to everyone after the registration. The rewards depend on the Steemit reputation and are as follows:

  • Steem reputation above 30: $10 reward
  • Steem reputation above 40: $20 reward
  • Steem reputation above 50: $40 reward
  • Steem reputation above 60: $80 reward
  • Steem reputation above 70: $160 reward

How to register?

  1. Download the wallet here:
  2. Copy your address by pressing "receive" and paste it in the comments and I will send you the registration fee of 600,000 bytes.
  3. When the 600,000 bytes arrived your wallet, go to "chat" and "bot store" and click on "Steem attestation bot", and press "...". Choose "insert my address" and wait for the bot to answer and confirm your account with steemconnect.
  4. After that is done you will receive your free bytes!

The rewards are split 50% you can spend instantly and the other 50% will stay in a smart contract for one year until you can spend it.

Disclaimer: I also earn some referral rewards for sending you the 600,000 bytes registration fee. Enjoy your rewards!

There are 2 pages


Hi, I will send out as soon as possible when the wallet is working again

Seems there is a wallet problem and do not want to sync. As soon as everything works again I send out the bytes to everyone

My Byteball Address


sent successfully. you just have to wait for the confirmation

okay thank you sir @elevator09

can you send me some bytes to get attested the account M6ZZF56UN4EXCC4BXWP3XZW2PKJZ6AKX

bytes sent out

LHZ53VRBROC5OYKSUW5NRQYKGERQIWX4 is my byteball wallet can someone send enough balance to operationalise my account


Sent to your wallet

Thank you, signed up as your referral!

Hi, where can I find my access datas
here my receiving adress:

You should have enough for the registration



Thanks a lot :-)

I sent the bytes to your wallet :)


I tried copying the address but it is not copying.

Highlight the adress and then right click and copy. Or strg + c

Am using a phone not a laptop. @elevator09

Can I screenshot it?

Of course make a screenshot when you have troubles

Dear you share address your own Telegram profile or save massage then copy your address👍


my receiving address


will be sent as soon as possible


I can not send at the moment I try it as soon as possible!

I can not send at
The moment I try it as
Soon as possible!

                 - elevator09

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Seems there is a little bug it dont want to send out tried multiple times. I hope you cant wait I will send if its working again.

Ok, no problem thanks!

Friend, you've seen it use. I have not given many information like this

Please let me know why Byteball has to execute a program in my laptop while it is not necessary for creation of wallet with other cryptocurrencies, thanks

No idea I did not notice anything. Maybe you should ask the developers

You got a 3.36% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @elevator09!

Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

You got a 12.72% upvote from @upme thanks to @elevator09! Send at least 3 SBD or 3 STEEM to get upvote for next round. Delegate STEEM POWER and start earning 100% daily payouts ( no commission ).

We have upvoted your post with 100% vote weight for $0.30. Thank you for participating with @betgames, visit us to win more upvotes and SBD!


Why steem attestation bot is not working? I received this address C5N6ZZ5VHLVH4L4LYBKEMUAA5WQJOGQD but steemconnect is not opening.

For me all worked well. You already received the registration fee? You should receive a link from the bot to steemconnect. Try to copy and paste it into your browser

No, the bot is not opening steemconnect.

Sry cant help you there. For me worked all fine, after I linked my Byteball adress with my steem account I received the steemconnect link via the chat very prompt

This post has received a 8.11 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @elevator09.


I have seen the bytes, but In the third steep where you said "insert my address", I did not see the option for inserting my address.

This is what I saw. Screenshot_20180713-203206.png

When you open the chat, on the left site the first option when you click on the three dots
Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-13 um 10.24.26 PM.png

My address is: JUMM76VF57HAWJL4WBGIX352BW77SAK5. Thanks in advance!

My Byteball Address is

Thanks for your generosity.


sent to your wallet

Thank you for this...

sent and no problem

Thank you!

sent out

Thanks a million! 😁

No problem! You just have to wait for the confirmation

I have some trouble with the Steemit Attestation Bot. It seems to be down/not responding. I want to attest via

Anyone knows whether the bot is indeed down and when it will be up again?

please sponsor me to register - my address- HVBQ2DC6IPWYJ3XKUZ6GUZLNZTVEUJY5


sent to your wallet

Hope am not to late . Here is my address

My wallet is not syncing at the moment. As soon its working again I will sent out to all

O3VM46N3UKCTEC4LSWQMHJSIXECCJ5UR thanks for your help.


sent to your wallet

Thanks. I have just realized that was not a single address wallet address. Can I send that back to you via the sending address and you can resend to this address please so you get a referral¿

I sent 50k bytes for the registration over


My Byteball Address


sent to your adress

Hello, and thank you! here is my address



thank you so much this is very cool :) when it says "including pending confirmation" should I wait to proceed to the chat bot step? or can I go straight to that step?

oh I think I just saw you tell another user to wait till the confirmation. I will wait till the confirmation then!

When they are already spendable you can

I'm having trouble with the steem attestation bot. Not sure why, although I was sent about 1 cent worth of bytes. Not sure I probably messed up or something lol

Can you describe your problem more? Everything worked well for me with the steem attestation bot

Thanks for listening and attempting to help despite my incompetence! lol :) I understand if you can't help me.

sure, I am pretty sure I messed up. I did not follow the directions exactly as you layed them out. I initially downloaded the app and then re-downloaded it because I believed the app was not working properly. So I imagine something may be malfunctioning on that end, I probably should not have done that. I re-downloaded the app and it worked better. Then once I received the 600,000 bytes from you I sent the steem attestation bot my receive address before the bytes were confirmed. So I am guessing something may be messed up their as well. I should have waited until it was confirmed. I have sent my address a few times in an attempt to maybe get it to work but nothing, no response. I did mysteriously receive 49,600 bytes 21 hours ago though. About a penny USD.

Thank you very much @elevator09 for introducing us to these knowledge of Byteball

sent to your adress

Received, thanks.
By the way, do I get the confirmation message in the same CHAT section of the Byteball wallet?

No problem. Under history you can check out if the transaction is confirmed

Just did it, thanks


will be sent as soon as possible

anyone can send me 600000 bytes? byteball:DY243BIP6L5OBNCHLDYWCAFPBNLICTH6

sent to your wallet

Thank you
However I love your photo
If you want to se my photos check my profile
Tell me what you think about them please

I can! Will send it as soon as possible

my address byte ball -35WYYRFASYVVRM7HRVOOMWF6BA7YX3UD

will be sent as soon as possible


I will send out as soon as possible



Thank you!

Gladly. You just have to wait for the confirmation

I will send to you as soon as my wallet will sync


ah man i downloaded but the file says it's not compatible for my software, would download it from my phone now!

Oh ok. You can post your adress then if you want and I send you the registration fee


How do we use this coin! I have over 6million coins now, what exchange is it listed on. Even though this 6milion coin is only worth about $7 or so

Hold it, spend it or exchange it into btc

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