
I'm sorry to hear that. some cancers are like some cancers are like car crashes; nothing can be done about them, or sometimes medicine does all it can to no avail. I know there aren't comforting words, and I'm sorry my post brought back memories of your lost ones.

I'm just hoping the best for you, I know your heart is in the right place, planning for Family... Dad was great at this, BTW 🤗

All, I'm glad to see it looks like someone is stepping up and buying you out for a fair price?? 🧐

thanks for the words. I hasven't seen an offer yet, but I.m a bit fuzzy these days. I'll recheck both posts, thank you

If I grt through this, I'll probably spend some time working for cancer charities(even though I havn't started researching those yet; it seems lik a personal encounter with cancer leads prople into reaching out tohelp others with it!)