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RE: Candace Owens Lies and Gets Caught

in #candaceowens6 years ago

Wow that article was such a bullshit opinion piece. So I'm supposed to take that seriously??
Tree is pissed because Candace had her in her database. You don’t know what you are talking about. Please do some research. By the same token I see many beta males and possibly lesbians cucking for her. So if you want to say the Tree of Logic Jealous I have the right to say that anyone who shamelessly defends Candace without due diligence. Has a hard on for her. Maybe they are mesmerized by her good looks and find it too hard to turn their dicks off and think clearly.

I know this might be a surprise to you but Black people have a right to criticize each other because we have our own mind and can think for ourselves not because we are jealous because we have warranted criticisms of a person. I highly doubt that you would say the same about Ben Shapiro and Milo Yannipolis fighting each other. No you wouldn’t. Get a clue.

Do Black People Have to Like Each Other?

For those of you that bought into the myth that Black people don’t want to see other Black People be successful and that we can’t be critical because we have a mind of our own.Here is a list of white people who share the same opinion. Who are not Leftist by the way. Oh wait I guess they must be jealous too????


Red Pill Black Blocked Me On Twitter

Candace Owens Is the Anita Sarkeesian of the Right

Social Autopsy Ending Anonymity Online A Bad Idea

In Her Own Words Red Pill Black

Tree Continues to Expose Red Pill Black

Blaire White’s Red Pill Black Rant

Red Pill Black MGTOW

Red Pill Black Candace Owens (under 3 min)

Candace Owens Pretty Little Liar

The Utter Implosion of RedPillBlack Candace Owens

Candace Owens Plays Dirty


Triggered? I am well aware of the doxxing and Tree being in the database site its old news really which Tree had already addressed in a previous video. Yet she seems she cannot get over it. Interesting enough Tree is doing a bit of doxxing of Candace herself. LOL. And whats with all the old videos from whites folks in an attempt to prove your point. You do notice the difference between them and Tree is that they have said their piece and have moved on correct? Ahhh I know, "the white mans ice is colder" so let me post old irrelevant videos with white people that will show em. Um whites can be jealous too and I not saying the ones in those vids are by the way. I have to put that out there as you seem lack basic critical thinking and comprehension skills or maybe its your emotion getting the best of you. Even Trump knows about jealousy this see video below.

I expected better from you. I mean you are a former liberal too, so is the president you love so much but yet none of you question his past behavior or his motives. You black cuckservatives follow blindly the same way you did when you were liberals. Only difference is you actually believe you have risen to some high point of intellectual superiority. Comical to watch really.

Blacks can be critical of each other that's actually very healthy. I am very critical of fellow blacks on my blog after all. However there is a difference between criticism and being vindictive worst when its dosed with a tinge of hypocrisy and um doxxing.

Later tater.



Of course I'm triggered. Always triggered when ignorant people come on my page and don't know what they are talking about. It makes me lose faith in humanity. Se you later. LMAO.