Welcome To The Winners Table @loonatic!

in #cannabis3 years ago
Authored by @jonyoudyer


Well fellow Weed Nerds, we have another winner in the world of Block Chain gardening! I want to congratulate @loonatic for taking the 3rd spot with his recent harvest of 21 grams from his @bifbeans Helana x PBB. You can view his post here

What a beautiful plant! Great fucking job bro. It is a shame that we are limited to the computer, but fear not. We will have a cannabis cup at the next meet up, being held near Portland, Or next year. Growing cannabis is more then growing for yield. It is about empowering yourself. After all this is a crop that you put a flame to it, and ingest it in your lungs. You don't want to be dependent on someone you don't know. Then in legal areas you do not want to pay crazy prices! The #5gallonchallenge is a call to grow. It is also something to unite us here on the Chain. I remember back in the day when I first came to Steem it sucked. Sure I fell in love with it, and there where some great people, but there where a few people who posted, and then botted up their posts. In lamen terms they paid for votes, and the rarely interacted with the community. That is not the kind of culture we want here.

  • Rules
  • Grow a cannabis plant in a 5 gallon container
  • Post your updates to Weedcash
  • Can incorporate other challenges as well, like the 200% organic challenge
  • Any medium
  • This is an ongoing challenge, but can only enter 1 per grow. Can reenter after you finish
  • Use the tags cannabis, and canna-curate
  • Have fun!

That last one is important. The other day someone came to me and said, "People can cheat!". Do not care. If they do, that's on them. The real prize is making it up on that board. Then sitting back and enjoying your fruits of your labor. Good luck, and happy growing!





man I wish I could participate but I am limited to the computer and cant grow it is illegal

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Sorry to hear. At least you can participate via votes and comments:)

Congrats @loonatic. That plant looks awesome. Love the colors.

This is really an honor for me. And the real prize is that I'll be able to smoke her soon😄
But thanks again

yeah smoke bro

Posted via proofofbrain.io



Here is my Helena x Pbb. I hope it turns out half as good as yours. Great job again bro!

It looks good and healthy plant

Posted via proofofbrain.io

left pbb right northerlights
I pulled the nl harder from the ground so most of it is in the pot by the root but you can clearly see the difference

The bucket life is a bit different than I'm used to in smaller pots, I must admit! I'm doing the 200% organic challenge in a 4 gallon pot, and I think I have about 3 gallons of dirt in there. I'm having a slightly slow start, and not sure why. Getting airflow to the plant is tough because it's below the rim of the bucket! And I think I used old soil, which had already been depleted by a previous crop, woops. We'll see what happens, haha. It's probably a male anyway :P
Congrats to everybody on the board, or just participating :)

I need to think of a way so everyone can participate. It quite possible to maybe just go ahead and enter to get on the board. And really the only thing that would be a disadvantage is a bigger pot then 5 gallons. Hell I am sure some growers can smash everyone just using a 2 gallon pot. What you think?

It's hard to coordinate something like this! I'm just happy I'm able to try bucket growing, it's something I haven't done before, and the challenge will probably teach me something. 5 gallons is pretty big I think, but if somebody wants to play along with a massive container, why not? They just can't get win any yield prizes (assuming there are any). Even just the exposure is good, plus the upvotes, anything at the end would just be a bonus to get more people excited to (playfully) compete. I do like the idea of a running contest (over several months), to allow more people to get involved. Maybe each time somebody competes, they get a mention (permanently) on the board. Maybe there's a list for anyone who finishes, and another for anyone who competes for best yield. Maybe the board clears every year or so. Maybe when you complete a bucket plant, your post gets mentioned and recorded on the running board. That's like a small prize in itself because your post and profile will get hits. Just ideas :) You're already doing a great job.