a bounty of cannabis edibles, oils, capsules, baking, and extracts

in #cannabis5 years ago (edited)

Look at these photos of gifts @MediKatie and I received from 2 of our friends in Vancouver, just before they helped us with our move out of town last week.

Check out these infused tea leaves, rice krispy squares, cannacaps, medicated oils and drinks, etc:


I won't name the couple who gave us this stuff, but they're cannabis activists and patients (like MediKatie and I). They were regular vendors at the Vancouver 420 Farmers Markets, and continue to run a small edibles business.

They did all the driving for the move, and ensured there were plenty of prerolls:


My bud @doitvoluntarily commented about the prerolls, and I wanted to show him some more photos, since he seemed intrigued.


Infused honey. The way they do it you can barely taste the infusion, but put a spoonful of that in your tea and see what happens! ;)


Both he and she are patients who require serious oral dosages of cannabis. They get high quality organic local bud, and process it themselves into extracts and edibles. She's an accomplished baker, and entertains our vegan gluten-free needs. Sometimes she brings us batches of cookies, or scones, or squares, that she wants our opinion on. What a tough job, right? :D


The capsules are about 50mg of THC each. That's 20 "legalized" doses. I tend to take at least 2 at a time. Great for nerve pain relief.


This is a block of frozen coconut oil that is infused with some potent BC indica. It's for using anywhere you would use coconut oil, such as a topping for baked potatoes, pan frying food, or in recipes.


They often experiment with new infusion ideas. These are infused garlic cloves, in infused oil. Wow.


This topical oil is for rubbing into the skin. The base is organic extra virgin olive oil and it's infused with full spectrum cannabinoids.

You wouldn't believe me if I told you how effective it is for pain. Nerve pain, joint pain, muscle pain, skin pain. And it promotes healing instead of just numbing the pain, like most drugs. It's lightly scented with herbal extracts. Awesome for massage, or as an emergency treatment for burns. Starts to relieve pain within 20 seconds of application. Far better and safer than anything on the market. No wonder big pharma feels threatened! We can grow and make this medicine in our homes without much cost or any government/corporate involvement.


Some more of the topical oil, and some of her 'elixir'. It's in a spray form and meant to be taken orally. The dispenser works much like, say, a breath-freshener mist. You swish it around in your mouth and then swallow. It begins to work instantly. This one's blueberry flavoured.

These are some of the things available within the cannabis culture. Just a tiny portion. I have a hard drive FULL of images, just like these, stuff I've been gifted or stuff I've traded for over the years. The variety is incredible. The quality is top notch. Patients who need real medicine find what they need in these circles.

All completely illegal, of course, because we aren't part of the "legalized" regime. You get 14 years in prison for this stuff, now. Prohibition is worse than ever before. And they want to export this failed model to the rest of the world?

What we really need is decriminalization. No more arrests and punishments for cannabis. Legalization just means government control, more families ripped apart, more people in prison for peacefully growing plants.


Another block of frozen infused coconut oil. Instead of garlic, this one's herby. There are several strong doses of medicine there.


Rich dark chocolate, melts quick in your mouth, but crisp and snappy when you bite into it. Dankly infused - careful about going back for seconds!

Thank you!

Not having much to gift them with in return, I gave them a few nugs of my Steem OG and Northern Lights, from last crop. Even though they see a LOT of great weed, they were impressed with how smooth and potent it was.

I want to thank them (not by name here, obviously). I'll link them to this post. They made the move safer and easier on us, and they were very generous to not accept our gas money. (Thank you both SO MUCH for the medicine and friendship! We love you!)

The bonds made in activism can be intense. MediKatie and I are blessed to have met incredible people on our activism journey. And even though we're not in Vancouver right now, our hearts are still in the struggle. We're there in spirit with you guys, and we'll do everything we can from here to continue the fight for the patients. Legalization is a lie. Cannabis only needs to be freed, not controlled. Let the peaceful growers, sellers, and users out of prison. End this ridiculous costly failed war on cannabis, a plant which heals individuals and communities.


banner 2019.jpg


Vancouver's cannactivism scene is unique. It's so cool that anyone can get involved, and meet all the well-known activists, and have an impact.

The rosin they gave you looked really tasty. If it was organic it was probably primo medicine.

That looks interesting? 🤔 Totally banned in Mauritius though so not even a chance to try it.

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