Can you believe these plants aren't even 4 days old?

in #cannabis5 years ago

After starting up my new indoor garden a few nights ago, and germinating 10 seeds, they're already in soil and photosynthesizing!


There's "M4", an MKUltra sprout! Incredibly healthy-looking so far.

But starting at the beginning...

The Lineup


There they were yesterday, still in the 'germination station', once again with 100% success! They were only about 60 hours from dry seeds at that point.

First I get my small clean plastic cups ready. I don't have my regular gardening stuff handy at the moment, so I'll be planting them in 2 groups of 5. They'll get their own pots in a couple weeks.


Coffee filters, while optional, are another "almost free" household item that is invaluable for growers (and extractors). Unbleached is best.


At this stage, they need almost nothing from the soil other than somewhere to anchor their roots and absorb water. Plain organic potting soil is fine.


I pull back the damp paper towel slowly, revealing the germinated sprouts one by one. Perfect timing, their seed shells are just starting to pop off, and their roots are nice and furry!


That's 1 of the 5 Steem OG sprouts. Notice I've used a tool to pry off the seed shell. Only do this if you have steady hands and know what you're doing. It's kind of like doing a C section, except on a plant instead of a mammal. If in doubt, just plant it with the seed shell still on - the sprout will probably figure out how to remove it on its own.


There's one of the MKUltra sprouts, ready for planting. I just poke a little hole in the soil and drop it in, buried to the cotyledons (that first set of round leaves).


That was it! They had a couple hours under light for the first time, last night. Here they are today:

That's M4 (from above). Nice colour already, and showing the first set of true leaves poking out!


This is S2, one of the Steem OG sprouts! Cute, huh? I can't wait to see what phenotypes (genetic expressions) I have represented here! Thanks again to @jonyoudyer and @blundsmasha for the genetics.


There's my little garden as it sits now, at the end of day 4. 10 for 10, all accounted for and healthy! This looks like it will be another incredible crop. I can't wait for every step, and I'll be sharing them with you.

Grow in peace,

banner 2019.jpg


Whoa, those are some nice macro close ups! Not bad for an old camera, speaking of age. I'm so happy to have an indoor garden again! At winter solstice time, it's so pagan of us to have some trees inside...I can't wait to decorate them, or maybe their light or something because they won't be ready for ornaments until after Christmas. But we should probably extend xmas until February anyway ;)

Agreed @ extending christmas until Feb 1st!
The closeups are good, but @DRutter should save up and invest in a really good camera. Photograph is a passion of his and he does a lot of it for his activism. Probably worth the investment.

Congratulations, it's a Girl...lots of them hehe they grow up so fast ;)

Really good to see your thumbs are very green and the successful germination and growth. I'm enjoying watching my 2 (yeah just 2 right now) slowly getting their legs inside. Let's all hope for healthy plants and continued good growth.

every new grow is an adventure itself :)

Yes, so true! Always something new and full of hope with plants.
Looking forward to seeing them grow, and which plants make the cuts, until there's just 4 sexy adult gals ;D

Hey @drutter, here is a little bit of BEER from @networkallstar for you. Enjoy it!

good luck with the garden, and with steem.
anyone interested in my blockchain modeling portfolio:
please refer to @GirlsofGreen. this account will be mostly inactive from this point.
keep it green <3