Things have been really cold and still working on trying to get some work.
I'm definitely looking around and trying to do what I can do.
Puppy dog has been great and we are definitely working on trying to get housing. Housing is at the very top of our needs right now.
It is definitely pretty challenging for us right now. So I really should get back to work on earning and investing as much crypto as I can to our portfolio.
Sorry really should get on here and make more comments as well!
So far we haven't really found any long-term solution as of yet but we are continuing to work and do what we can.
Holding You close in My heart! I may be on the streets m'self with My feline come January... We shall see.
Love always!
I'm hoping that you are going to work something out!
🙏 💜 🙏 Most humble thanks!!! I am focusing energy on Us all living richly!