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RE: Scrub a dub dub!

in #cannabis5 years ago

That looks like a good time! And it made for a nice picture, too! It is important to relax both body and mind. Infused baths really do relax your muscles in a way that's comparable to massage. Some yindica before an infused bath with some candles, music, and aromatherapy would be just perfect! :)


Yeah, it's a slightly different photo for her, but it's nice! You can tell she put some time and effort into it.

Ya, it was pleasantly surprisingly different! And it barely got any likes on our Facebook share, especially for how many likes she normally gets for a share...but sometimes it seems to work like that on social media: the quality of content and the number of likes and shares is negatively correlated. Sometimes it seems obvious and forced, like there's a cybermuzzle on us in general, and specifically to some of our best or most provocative stuff.