CATL "skateboard" will turn the automotive industry upside down(?)

in #cars7 months ago

CATL, the world's largest manufacturer of car (and not only) batteries, has announced the completion of work on a universal car platform. The CIIC (CATL Integrated Intelligent Chassis, also called skateboard) platform is a complete chassis with batteries as the structural component of the chassis, inverter, suspension, steering.

CATL's CIIC skateboard chassis. Credit: CATL

In the development of this design, the company cooperated with the Vietnamese Vinfast and the Chinese Neta Auto. A prototype car based on this chassis was also created, which successfully passed both crash tests and winter test drives. CATL maintains that in winter conditions the battery loses "only" 30% of its performance and that it takes just 5 minutes to recharge 300 km of range at a fast charging station. The range of the car is expected to be 1000 km according to CLTC.
The first company to use such a chassis to build cars is Neta, which belongs to the Hozo Auto group. The car is expected to arrive in showrooms in the third quarter of next year.

CATL and NETA Auto Sign a Cooperation Agreement on CIIC. Credit: CATL

If this plan succeeds, will we be in for a revolution in the car market? Existing leaders may find themselves in a very embarrassing situation. On the other hand, boutique brands will spring up like mushrooms after the rain, offering niche cars that have been too expensive to develop so far. Interesting times are coming:)


In my opinion, the Chinese will soon dominate the global automotive market. They've bet on EVs a long time ago and they're going to win on it. Western societies are still being manipulated that electric cars don't make sense. China will win because of this.