
Cats are subject to gum disease and to dental caries. They should have their teeth cleaned by the vet or the cat dentist once a year.

The ancestor of all domestic cats is the African Wild Cat which still exists today.

A cat’s back is extremely flexible because it has up to 53 loosely fitting vertebrae. Humans only have 34.

A kitten will typically weigh about 3 ounces at birth. The typical male housecat will weigh between 7 and 9 pounds, slightly less for female housecats.

Since cats are so good at hiding illness, even a single instance of a symptom should be taken very seriously.

Cats have 32 muscles that control the outer ear (humans have only 6). A cat can independently rotate its ears 180 degrees.

He is so cute, you should learn from him. Just kidding, don't stroke him too much though; otherwise he will be a sevgi arsızı.

What a sweet little kitten, will be your friend for a long time!


The first true cats came into existence about 12 million years ago and were the Proailurus.