Magic scent of herbs [for cats part 2]

in #cats7 years ago

Magic scent of herbs [for cats part 2]

There are herbs which change your "tiger" to playful kitten. If cats inhale these herbs, they will fly to seventh heaven in ecstasy. =}
All herbs are available as small bags, toys or spray.
You can use these things for training

  • When you spray a scratcher the cat will scratch just a scratch and
    not a couch - learn to not destroy the furniture
  • If you don't want your cat to destroy flowers, you can try to grow
    catmint in a flower pot - cats will notice only this plant.
  • If you need to do an important thing and the cat has been disturbed
    by you, throw her a bag of herbs, she play with them for a long time

Toys with herbs are also suitable for scattering in stressful situations, such as Vet visits.


Or cat's root. Plant with white or pale pink flowers. Velerian is a drug for cats.
The smell of this plant motivates cats to play with the toys.
Smell works for a few minutes (approximately 5-20 minutes).



When Cats tastes this herb, they are rolling around on the floor, playing with toys or jumping everywhere.
This behavior is primarily caused by a organic compound - nepetalactone. The effects are compared to the effects of LSD. But don't worry. For cats it's harmless. Catmint can be grown also in the flat.
Effects usually last for 5 to 15 minutes.

Each cat's reaction can be different.
Some pets are playful, crazy or aggressive. This is often related to dominant animals that protect their toys or try to get a friend's toy.
To prevent similar behavior, it's best to give each cat his own toy.

Make your cat happy, worth it!

Meow, meow to all ♥

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Nice little read (and part 1)!
Do you have cats?

Thanks . My mom has three cats. We tried herbs on these little devils. =)