Hello everyone, it is a pleasure for me to be again sharing with all of you after being away from the platform for a while due to work, but thank God I found some time to be active, today I want to introduce you to a little friend that my nephew gave me his name is Missu and he is a very playful kitten, although I do not consider myself very friendly with cats I gave me the opportunity to have him and see how I do with him.

Es un gato pequeño, apenas se está acostumbrando a estar en casa, tiene unos ojos muy lindos, los primeros dias que lo trajeron a casa fueron muy dificiles para él ya que lloraba mucho y le tenía miedo a todo lo que estaba a su alrededor, estaba pequeñito y lo bueno que ya comía solo, al pasar los días fue agarrando confianza con la familia y ahora quiere estar donde estamos todos, no le gusta estar solo, no soy de estar tocando mucho a los gatos pero con Missu es diferente, lo agarro de vez en cuando y le hago cariños en la cabeza y creo que le gusta porque se queda muy tranquilo.
He is a small cat, he is just getting used to be at home, he has very nice eyes, the first days he was brought home were very difficult for him because he cried a lot and he was afraid of everything around him, he was tiny and the good thing was that he was already eating alone, as the days went by he was gaining confidence with the family and now he wants to be where we all are, he doesn't like to be alone, I'm not a cat person but with Missu it's different, I grab him from time to time and I give him head cuddles and I think he likes it because he stays very calm.
