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RE: Caturday - Are Cats Arrogant

in #caturday3 years ago

Started when a car ran a stop sign and the hood severed my foot

Off? Holy Hell and Sweet Jesus! My brother used to take off digits with power tools. One day he cut off two finders with the power saw. I put them in a baggie with ice and brought him to the ER... I feel like he owes me, even if the arrogant/pompous/overconfident surgeon stitched them on crooked.

Three kids and I have been here in DC for a few years but, I have to admit, I loved when it was picked as one of the choices. I love all the Smithsonians and some of the best Festivals EVER!


I've only spent two days DC. They went by quick. By I cruised by the Pentagon that trip, saw the CIA headquarters and stuff. Lincoln Memorial, SO busy! Everyone wears a suit and everyone has a phone up to their head. I wasn't wearing a suit. 🥶

I just recently as in a month ago opened up about my bad wheel. I explained the whole how it shouldn't have happened yata yata thing right here if you're interested. I can't run (but i got a mean skip!) otherwise you'd never know it I didn't tell Ya. Ok maybe you would probably.

Now, of course, I am going to go read it. After picking up several more of my brothers' parts, it will seem familiar, I am sure.