My Kitten's Hilarious Attempt to Groom Our Dog

in #caturdaylast month

this photo could not capture all the fun unlike the video clip I took but couldn’t upload here :(

My Kitten Thinks My Dog Needs a Bath (or Maybe a Groomer?) 😊

So today wins the Caturday award for sure! This little stray Siamese-looking kitten we took in is officially obsessed with my Shihtzu. He's like a tiny ball of fur and curiosity, always gotta be boopin' everything.

Well, guess what got booped today? Yup, the Shihtzu's whole floof. This kitten, with the most serious face ever, was giving our dog the most hilarious "grooming" session I've ever seen. Tiny paw batting at all that fur like he's some pro stylist. Made me quietly smiling while I took this photo being very careful not to disturb them.

The Shihtzu, bless her patient soul, just chilled in there, soaking up the heat and the (slightly questionable) attention. These two might not speak the same language, but play definitely seems to translate universally.

Seriously, how cute is that? My heart pretty much exploded. Who knew kittens could be so… well, helpful? Even if his grooming skills need some work.

Definitely a top Caturday moment for the books!

Until next post,