PSA - is deleting images right now [steemit users unaffected]

in #censorship7 years ago

There's something fishy going on right now with one of the major image hosting sites .

Lots of users on voat, 4chan etc are complaining that their images have been silently removed.

I dug through my past posts on pizzagate to check the damage, and thanks to steemit's built in caching image proxy all of my post images still work :D

Just another extra perk for steemit users!

Here's a random example of what's being deleted by (and saved by steemit)

When viewed via http:

The image is reported missing

When viewed via https:

HTTPS appears to have been disabled on

When loaded via steemit image proxy it works fine ! has also removed a lot of pages has been used heavily for a lot of the early pizzagate research, and now it seems to by purging its files in response to DMCA requests.
For example:

Lesson : You can't have too many backups

If you're interested, and don't already have a copy of the pizzagate research archive - you can clone the whole thing with this terminal command .

git clone

It has many (but not all) of the deleted images, as well as full html copies of heaps of sites and voat posts (that are now gone from

An automated voat scraping tool and near complete archive of pizzagate posts can be cloned with this command

git clone

Can't stop the signal

Lets connect !
steemit / twitter / / keybase


Way to get the word out!

I hate to say it but there was always a nagging question in the back of my mind while looking through the pizzagate threads: "I wonder when these backup sites are going to fail..."

I firmly believe nothing can be trusted if it's FREE. Ultimately someone else's interests are in mind.

Important post, thanks!
The censorship is steadily spreading. I switched from Imgur to Slimg not long ago and now archive and Slimg are falling victim as well. wtf!
I've seen your posts about github(?), I will be paying closer attention now. One of the reasons i came to steemit was to try to escape the censorship.

Hey @ausbitbank check your mobile,
my pics no longer show up on the my mobile, but they are still on the website

Not sure if we can still say Steemit users unaffected

Just checked a few posts and your last one and cant see any missing images in chrome on android.. Do you mean in an app?

Yeah, i meant the app. You're right, the images are still there using a browser. My bad. Still irks me though that things are disappearing.