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RE: Censorship is impossible in a Free Society

in #censorship8 years ago

There has been the occasional post that I've come across that I would term as using excessive foul language, those usually fall under attacks on other users or groups. I agree it's not abusive for users to write anything they want in their own posts or blog as long as there's no attack on a person or group.

I was thinking more about those taking offense to being asked to refrain from excessive foul language in comments. This is what I consider part of being a "toxic" individual as they don't respect other users or the user's blogs. I don't see this as a particularly large issue on currently. There have been a few individuals that have 'tested' the waters so to speak.

A user visits a blog and uses foul language to express their opinion on the topic of the post in comments, or they post offensive memes relevant to the posts topic. ​I think asking other users to respect each other's blogs is not unreasonable nor is it censorship.

This is just a random thought I had from reading your comment. Someone I used to know, said that he got a lot of joy out of formulating responses that called another person who was verbally abusive an idiot without them even realizing it.