More censorship, of my Ukraine War reports, by Facebook.

in #censorship6 years ago (edited)

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This shit absolutely cannot stand, and every time someone posts about it on the blockchain we are one small bit closer to exposing the tyranny that is strangling our freedoms away.
The flow of free information cannot be halted under the guise of private ownership.

This is a major problem that many people turn a blind eye to, especially here in The United States. If something does not have an immediate impact on them they do not care about it. It is only when they start censoring their opinions and ideas that it becomes a problem.

I think it is a major problem! However Facebook is a private company that can do business how they see fit and we must find alternative ways to get our message out. That is why we have gravitated towards Steemit! Keep up the good work my friend.

The beauty of a free market is that when companies start doing things people dont like another will take it's place. Youtube and Facebook's days are numbered...

You are absolutely right! I hear it all the time, Facebook this and that... Facebook does shady stuff... YouTube is censoring us... but they still refuse to find another outlet. I don’t want to be negative about Steemit but if it is not this platform it will be blockchain technology that replaces internet 2.0

Facebook is not a good platform

This is why Facebook sucks and one of the plethora of reasons why steemit will overtake the giant social network in the future.

Curated for #informationwar by @stevescoins
Relevance: social media, censorship
Our Purpose

I still can't get anyone to understand what is going on in Ukraine. The American media blackout is absolute.

Same here - anything I post that is either pro Russian or anti Ukrainian (western) gets tagged as spam - and I am banned from so many Ukrainian officials pages that I lost count - some people just don't like the truth and Facebook is one of them