Greetings dear community, I bring you a family trip to rest and avoid stress, a distant and mountainous town such as Tabay is a small city in the state of Mérida located on an alluvial plateau in the Venezuelan Andes at 1708 meters above sea level and on the banks of the Chama River. The city is the capital of the Santos Marquina municipality and, 12 km northeast of the city of Mérida, is part of the Mérida metropolitan area. Tabay is the starting point for most of the walking excursions that are made in the Sierra Nevada de Mérida. The name of Tabay has its origin in the aborigines who inhabited it in ancient times: The Tabayes Indians. .

Taking a bus at the Mérida terminal, with the destination of the little town approximately two hours away, we arrive at the Plaza Bolívar where the stop is, and it is where the economic activity of the town is, we take the opportunity to rest and take some photos, a very cold landscape and very beautiful surroundings. Its Plaza Bolívar is very beautiful and is characterized by its ancient leafy trees bathed in "palo de palo". In front is its Church built in the colonial style, you must enter and know its interiors .

Plaza Bolivar / Plaza Bolivar
Arbol con Barba de Palo /
Tree with Stick Beard

Es un pueblo pequeño, pero con grandes atractivos turísticos y un buen número de artesanos, entre los que se encuentran ceramistas y talladores de madera en cedro y majagüey, aprovechamos para visitar el mercado artesanal y llevarnos unos recuerdos .
It is a small town, but with great tourist attractions and a good number of artisans, among whom are ceramists and wood carvers in cedar and majagüey, we take the opportunity to visit the handicraft sales and take some souvenirs.

A esos de las cinco la tarde buscamos un vehículo, para trasladarnos a la casa que se alquiló para ese fin de semana, estaba ubicada en una colina a una hora del pueblo, pero con todas las comodidades, se planifico que para el próximo día planificaríamos una visita para la truchicultura. Muy tempranos nos levantamos desayunamos y fuimos a visitar las instalaciones de la truchicultura .
At around five in the afternoon we looked for a vehicle, to move to the house that was rented for that weekend, it was located on a hill an hour from town, but with all the comforts, it was planned that for the next day we would plan a visit to the trout farming. Very early we got up, had breakfast and went to visit the trout farming facilities.

La truchicultura es una de las actividades más importantes de la zona, siendo junto con la agricultura, las fuentes económicas de mayor relevancia, en esta truchicultura se puede pescar, comprar o comer la trucha. Piscicultura se le denomina al cultivo de peces y a las especies que se cultiva se le da el nombre en este caso truchicultura es la crianza controlado en todo lo que respecta al ciclo biológico completo de truchas en criaderos naturales o abiertos y cerrados en criaderos o estanques .
Trout farming is one of the most important activities in the area, being together with agriculture, the most important economic sources, in this trout farming you can fish, buy or eat trout. Fish farming is called the culture of fish and the species that is cultivated are given the name in this case trout farming is the controlled breeding in everything that concerns the complete biological cycle of trout in natural or open and closed hatcheries in hatcheries or ponds .

Ya para la tarde decidimos hacer un recorrido por las inmediaciones de la truchicultura, subiendo la montaña contemplando un paisaje espectacular, somos testigo de la grandeza de la naturaleza, un aire puro que te hace olvidar el bullicio de la ciudad .
In the afternoon we decided to take a tour around the trout farming, climbing the mountain contemplating a spectacular landscape, we are witness to the greatness of nature, a pure air that makes you forget the bustle of the city. .

Gracias por dedicar de su tiempo para visitar mi blog.
Las fotos son de mi autoría y fueron tomada con mi celular Samsung J2 Prime.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog.
The photos are my own and were taken with my Samsung J2 Prime cell phone.

Tree with Stick Beard

It is a small town, but with great tourist attractions and a good number of artisans, among whom are ceramists and wood carvers in cedar and majagüey, we take the opportunity to visit the handicraft sales and take some souvenirs.

At around five in the afternoon we looked for a vehicle, to move to the house that was rented for that weekend, it was located on a hill an hour from town, but with all the comforts, it was planned that for the next day we would plan a visit to the trout farming. Very early we got up, had breakfast and went to visit the trout farming facilities.

Trout farming is one of the most important activities in the area, being together with agriculture, the most important economic sources, in this trout farming you can fish, buy or eat trout. Fish farming is called the culture of fish and the species that is cultivated are given the name in this case trout farming is the controlled breeding in everything that concerns the complete biological cycle of trout in natural or open and closed hatcheries in hatcheries or ponds .

In the afternoon we decided to take a tour around the trout farming, climbing the mountain contemplating a spectacular landscape, we are witness to the greatness of nature, a pure air that makes you forget the bustle of the city. .
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