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RE: - going offline

in #chainbb6 years ago

I don't use ChainBB, but the tech behind it is awesome. Always amazed how lightning fast it was compared to anything Steem related or most sites on the Internet.

It's sad to have to kill a project you put your heart and soul into.


Don't worry I have a feeling some people will come buy it and resurrect it with some extra stuff ooooh weee I'm so excited thinkin about it man! Ill be on discord if you want to talk about it call me anytime man, it was cool seein you in discord i see a lot of promise in sooo many dapps for steem its so fuckin cool an I can talk about it for so long I can just make anything that may feel boring look SUPER exciting man I swear! Lol

i would like to bring you witness to my w/(h) ea L/L (t/h) D