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RE: The (only) winner of the Covid19 Contest

in #challenge4 years ago (edited)

I just read your post, and I thought you did very well on it. Congratulation for being brave enough to break through the fear some people seem to have about posting about covid19.

For myself, it is a subject I try to generally avoid, it is just to polarizing of a subject, and I would hate to say something about it and have that information later be found to be 100% wrong.


Thanks Bashadow. Admittedly it took some time to get the courage to talk about it. A lot of those that get sick often try to hide it as they are facing discrimination and being treated like lepers.
Some I know treated it like a common cold and when I came out with my story a lot more took it seriously because they knew me as generally healthy. A lot messaged me when they got sick and I was happy to impart my experience and what worked on me and based on science.

I know there are a lot of information out there and it is polarizing and I can't say I am an expert but I only tell what happened to me and hope that it can help someone else.