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RE: Part 1: D&D Alignments (Chaotic Neutral Superiority)

in #chaos3 years ago

Good post but I would challenge it on a clear question.

What is the law and who has made it?

The examples blend fantasy with real life process. The people set the laws and what society expects.

As times change so do the application of those laws but not without conflict as you have the emergence of clashing ideologies usually brought on by generational change.

Blending corporate banking with judges is like oil and water and they're both topics that are challenging for most people to comprehend. Not that they can't but it requires alot of thinking and decision making so most people opt out.

All this can be negated by being involved and engaged in the process which isn't easy as no one wants to give up their power, position or how things are.

Change is not easy, but is achievable.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


On a certain level I feel like this is the entire point. This entire personality grid was created from the friction between ethics vs morals, realism vs idealism, power vs trust, centralization vs decentralization.

To say that corporate banking can't be mixed with the judicial system is kind of like saying a lake is just water. Yet the water meets land across quite a wide strip. The water becomes even more muddy when we are reminded that not a single banker or politician goes to jail for even the biggest scandals. Just look at the Panama Papers or the Housing Crisis.

Yes but was is the crime?

Facebook and the likes openly and willing rort loopholes to avoid tax, the most recent bout between Australia and Facebook has seen Facebook shut down media and government Facebook sites.

Combat it is election defeat as the voters don't care, all they see is now they can't use fb. FB launches a campaign blames a pollie and that pollie is out.

Fear and money is corrupting politics which is why it needs an anti corruption watch dog to

  1. Stamp out corruption
  2. Provide safety for politicians and people who fight

At current they can be hung with money.

They also need to bring in campaign funding legislation so there is a single source of income provided to fund campaigns.

That there is a major battle as those who are doing the string pulling don't want to lose their power. Having something like that would render them useless and if they engaged the general public would see them first hand.

I see anyone who goes to the length as the panama papers to dodge tax and set up shell companies as treason.

They make money off the people but then don't provide to the people who have supported them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am above the law.

Comes to mind.

In our current system it is the powerful who create the law, so therefore they cannot break the law, and even if they do break the law, they can easily get away with it.
