Snowden's take on Chemtrails

in #chemtrails3 years ago

Follow up to my last post ... MESSING with the SKYS


Edward Snowden releases info on Chemtrails...

From Tampa Bay weatherman ....

No problem there is a law Government can test on “Civilian Population” since 1997

Do your own research


Do your own research

'K, a few minutes of research shows Snowden never said shit about chemtrails, a few sites copy pasted some vague sentences that came to the author in a fever-dream. None of it is even quoted, no mention of what/when/where he supposedly said anything..

Also the secret "Muad'Dib" base is a reference to Dune

Thanks for info..Snowden shit sounded logical to me..

Type in on google “US Patent Weather Modification”

You wanna pull the sheets off the emperor that wears no cloths..
Start at &
If your interested in solutions.

I'm just and old retired guy.. what can I do against a government that can harass a president for 4 years steal an election, stage a fake insurrection blame it on maga people.. use media to censor ban and dox conservatives.. 98 % of congress is corrupt.. Supreme court wouldn't even hear the election fraud evidence.. FBI & CIA not working 4 you and me.. I could go on & on.. Half the people in lay lay land.. Other than that things are great..

You can do a lot, if your willing to unite and work with others.

A 70+ year old Vietnam veteran (Gary Hunt) wrote the under one banner petition, and plan for restoration of constitutional government in his late 60's

It may seem like it, and a lot of folks may say "we are heading toward a civil war" .. but what they don't realize is that we are currently participating in a revolution where free thought and libertarian principles will either revolt from authoritarian rule, or be conquered for the foreseeable future.

I’m 30 years old, and I use as much of my time as possible to encourage and empower people in the face of this situation. If you are retired that means you have less obligations and demand on your time, and should be free from constraints in regards to networking and outreach for the effort of “waking up” folks and helping them see through the fog, and prompt them into like action.

I’d like to talk to you on the mic sometime, and talk with you more on here. I can talk about this stuff without end.

Anyways Mike, you may be retired, but you are not old, and can definitely still contribute to this ongoing revolutionary effort to restore the republic on its proper foundation (the will of the people). I mean we both pledged allegiance to this nation under god and the republic for which it stands.. well before and after we took that pledge, our nation and constitution was being bastardized and molested by oligarchs, and aristocrats. I intend to hang them by their ankles and take their lunch money, as they have done to my ancestors.

Good 4 you unorgmilitia don't give up the ship.. you know these people are cowards in a fair fight.

I'm just trying to encourage folks like you to pick up the banner and help me save this sinking ship. I'm not the captain of anything, I'm standing here with a bucket bailing water trying to get my fellow shipmates to pick their buckets up aswell.

I'm not trying to be rude, but I can't help but to be compelled to attempt replace the spoon or ladle from a shipmates hand and replace it for a bucket.

Who made the bucket? What's written on the outside? Outpost-of-freedom / committees of safety / a new continental congress / new constitutional convention.

I gave you the think above.. but just for fun. /

@manorvillemike You can call me Matt or Matthew if you want ;)