Benefits of separation.

in #christianity4 years ago



And I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless thee, and make thy name great and thou shall be a blessing.

And l will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee, and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:2--3 KJV.

Then Peter began to say unto, we have left all and have followed thee. And Jesus answerd and said, verily I say unto you.

there is no man that hath Left his house or brethren or sister, or farther , mother, wife, children, Land for my sake and the gospel.

but he shall receive an hundred fold now in this time houses and brethren and sister.

mother and children and lands with persecution and in the world to come life eternal. Mark 10: 28--30 KJV.

God calls his children to a separated life so that he can vest on them his blessing and to make them a blessing to others.

God promised to bless Abram but not until he has separated from his country, kindred and his family.

Upon his life because he took lot his nephew with him
When Lot departed, Abram saw the blessings of God.

I t is possible that there is something in your life that has hindered you for so long from being what God wants you to be.

Just like Lot left Abram to see, you must let that thing go now before it will be too late.

God wants. total separation from his children in every area of life. You may be afraid like apostle Peter.

Jesus did not leave him in the dark but told him that he would have wealth and all others with persecution and life eternat.

It is the will of God to bless us with materil must seek the kingdom of God and it righteousness first.

The prosperity of our soul will determine the material prosperity that God will bestov on us. Ever good health comes with the prosperity of our soul.

But this will not come if we are afraid of what will happen if we don't follow the way of the world. Jesus says, if we suffer with him we shall also reign with him.

I have a cross and you have a cross and Jesus beckons on us to carry our cross and follow him. This cross is a symbol of rejection, shame and persecution, which we must receive for following Christ.

It is not just mere stick that people wear on their neck or carry on the hand but to be ready to suffer.

Affliction, shame end persecution having in mind that even if the world rejects us, heaven will not reject us at the end.

Let me ask you, what will it benefit you to gain the approval of the world at the expense of eternity with God?

Keep your faith and Jesus will keep your life. Thank you for Reading my post God bless you all.