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RE: The Curmudgeon's Bible - What Are The "Governing Authorities" of Romans 13:1?

in #christianity7 years ago

I concur with your curmudgeonly opinion, I believe in God but I don't trust in mankind, probably half of the bible is already changed. Just out of curiosity; Are you an Atheist?


Hello, friend @jonsnow1983, and thanks for stopping by and commenting.

No, not an atheist at all; I am a believer in Jesus. I believe that Jesus is the one true living God and creator of the universe. After a lifetime of study and reflection, I also believe that human governments are perhaps the greatest manifestation of the gates of hell on earth.

If you check out my Christianity and Liberty library shelves, you can read a lot more about my beliefs. Just click on the GIF below to access my indexed library.

BTW, Thank You for the Re-Steem!



Will check it out Amigo, Thanks! "I also believe that human governments are perhaps the greatest manifestation of the gates of hell on earth" I couldn't be more agree. My countrymen and I are living literally in hell thanks to our glorious Goverment. Best Regards!

Hi, Edgardo,

I am so very sorry to hear of your struggles in Venezuela... I don't watch the news much, but I have seen enough to know that life there is very difficult right now.

I've visited your Steemit blog, and I'm following you now. If I may offer up a suggestion?

I really think that many Steemians would appreciate reading about the day-to-day struggles that you and your paisanos are experiencing in your country. If you could tell some stories about the struggle, I suspect many would want to read.

In case you decide to write a true story like that, Please drop me a note here. I would definitely want to read about it, and if I find it of good quality I would gladly re-steem it.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Seconded on that. Here in the US the State controlled media doesn't like to talk about what's going on in Venezuela.

Thanks bro! I accept your suggestion with open arms. Best Regards!

Fantastic! I'm looking forward to reading your stories!