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RE: Christianity and Anarchy

in #christianity6 years ago

Fucking Amen brother, I know so many who claim to be Christian but worship the altar of the state. They have made the state their God and give their energy to it. Many have quoted me that verse of render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's and render unto God that which is God's. In my understanding Jesus was being clever by giving an answer to the pharasies that was a slap in the face. Meaning exactly what you quoted in Matthew. He meant you either serve man "Ceaser" aka (the state) or you serve God. Jesus was an a anarchists trying to show us the way toward ascension and harmony with Natural Law that God established for this universe in my opinion. So many fake ass Christians that have been led astray.

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Indeed. The Pharisees wanted one of two outcomes:

  1. Jesus says Jews owe taxes to Rome, which ends his appeal to the crowd, or

  2. Jesus openly says Jews shouldn't pay taxes, which results in immediate imprisonment and execution by Roman authorities.

Instead, Jesus chose option 3, exposing the hypocrisy of Pharisees carrying a graven image of a deified Roman into the temple while alluding to the crowd's daily choice of who to serve.

Thank you for this post man, I am a new fan of yours. Keep being the Salt and Light brother.