To Boldy Go...

in #cinetv2 years ago

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Tenor Media

These Words Motivate Me

As far back as I can remember there has always been Star Trek. This TV Show started in 1966 and had the impossible task of running when Westerns were king. In fact, Gene Roddenberry the show’s creator sold the show to the network as “Wagon Train through the stars”

The show has come a long way with Movies, Mulitple Series, Comic Books, Graphic Novels, Animated Series, Trade Paperbacks, and Comic Books, making this never-ending series a must for any science fiction loving collector.

When I was a kid in the 70s and 80s, remembering that Star Trek came on early Saturday evenings which was just gravy upon the fact that the animated series was on earlier that morning. This was a time when Saturday Morning Cartoons was an event, met with a massive bowl of Frosted Flakes.

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An Exploratory Ship with Weapons

Talking about just the Original series with Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Doctor McCoy, Lt. Uhura, Mr. Chekov, and Mr. Sulu, not to mention the one or three random red shirt actors that we all know will die before the end of the episode.

Many believe that Captain Kirk was the Enterprise's 1st captain but that honor goes to Captain Christopher Pike. Although Captain Kirk was the youngest Captain in Star Fleet history's current series timeline.

The Enterprise's main mission is to seek and discover new life. Do not let the lofty mission statement fool you, the Enterprise is capable of war especially when you consider that she is the Federation’s flagship.

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The Comic Books Caught My Attention

As far back as the late 60s Gold Key published Star Trek Comic Books, and then it was DC in the 80s and 90s and now it is IDW putting out the Star Trek Comics every month. There are great and I highly recommend them. The artwork is amazing with excellent storytelling.

I think I am biased though being a huge fan of both comic books and Star Trek lol. We live in an amazing time, before we had to wait for the show to come on, and we had to wait every month for new issues of the comic books, and if you earned some extra money for back issues you needed an adult to drive you to your local comic book store.

Now we can stream almost anything we want it seems every day a new streaming platform is launched. Plus we can buy, sell, and trade comic books over the internet anytime no transportation needed.

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No, I Do Not See Digital Comics Replacing Physical Comics

We are definitely living in a digital world and digital comic books are available. They are not very popular, because a digital comic book will never become rare or scarce and that is the main way comic books achieve their value.

Also, there is something sacred about holding your new comic books in your hands for the very first time. The sound they make when you open them for the first time, the smell of the ink and paper. Digital will never replace this type of physical satisfaction.

This Is Not An Ad For Paramount+

I can not believe that on Paramount+ I can watch every single episode of all of the Star Trek Series. Plus they are coming out with new series all of the time. For example in the 70s there was 1 Star Trek animated series now there are 3. For us fans, this is huge because at one time We never thought something like this was possible.

Yes there is always the temptation to just waste away a day lazing around watching Star Trek all day long lol The love of growing my business and being paid daily over takes the need to waste away entire days.

Plus there is a satisfaction in watching an episode at the end of a long day, with a nice cup of coffee, and my feet up.

Thank you so much for sharing this experience with me 😃



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Very good buddy love this i never really got into Star Trek till New Gen then it was just now and then. I watched Voyager with the wife it was OK, i am however enjoying the Lower Decks Star Trek cartoon on Netflix 🤣

Have an awesome day my friend 😎
@chris.topher !ALIVE

That is my favorite and I have watched all the episodes about 3 times now lol 😆

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Nice post, Chris. I have been a Trekkie for as long as I can remember. When I was a kid I watched it with my Dad. I have seen all of the movies and most of the TV series. It was an awesome idea well before its time.

Thanks for sharing that memory John, I can not believe how big the franchise has become 👍

See, this is how I feel about watching all the series in the Dick Wolf Universe (Law and Order, etc.) and my other crime dramas like NCIS which was spun off of JAG. I could go on and on with them. My sister in law, Roy's sister is a Trekkie. She's gone to the conferences and met the cast members and had pics taken. And Roy likes them as well but he hasn't been to the conferences. He is a huge science fiction fan. Me, not so much. We never really watched Star Trek or Westerns in our house. My parents weren't really into either genre. And they were in charge of the TV. We watched Saturday morning cartoons until we were old enough to be doing chores around the house. Paramount+ is where I go to catch up on my CBS shows.

You and my Wife have the same taste in television 😀

Nice! The only thing I watch that is a little unusual for me is Grimm! But then that is a cop drama too. In it's own way. We watch it on Amazon Prime. There are six seasons and we are almost through it for the 3rd or 4th time.
See you on Mastermind tonight! Enjoy your day.😀

Could you imagine what the world would be like if supernatural creatures like that were living among us lol 😆

That would be kind of crazy. And even crazier if we knew that they were here. We will probably watch Grimm again next year. 😀 Have a great day, Chris.😀

Made in Canva

-- @lisamgentile1961

I would always love watching Star Trek. It was more than entertainment there were also lessons to learn in each episode about relationships or dealing with others. Some of the topics they touched upon were way ahead of topics that could be discussed in public. They just disguised them so well that it flew under the radar. Take care.


I know what you mean but not all of it fell under the radar and the censors along with some sponsors did some episode bans


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I was a huge Treker and loved Star wars too as I was growing up. I tried to look at the newer versions like Picard but just can't get into them at all, I've watched too many bubbles in space I suppose! lol

lol I love most science fiction, especially Doctor Who and Battle Star Galactica. If they come out with a Star Trek of the crew just doing something mundane I might actually watch it lol

haha. Did you watch Kirk go into space recently? That was very mundane.

I loved Battle Star Galactica back in the day. That ATeam guy was really cool.

No I missed it but I will look for a post on YouTube I am sure someone uploaded something lol. That is bring back memories I think his name is Dirk Benedict he played Starbuck very cool character I agree with you there lol 👍

Yes, Dirk was his name! It's been a while since I watched it.

Same here I want to say they are on Netflix but can not remember. Did you see the ScyFy channel reboot? I thought it was pretty darn impressive. They really filled out the storyline. 😀

I saw they made a new modern version, but I didn't get a chance to watch it yet. I need to check it out. thanks for the reminder.

Live long and prosper. Star Trek is still alive in all the spinoffs. A new one start next month. Thanks for sharing on ListNerds.

I have Subbed to Paramount+ because of the Star Trek catalog, I am watching those Spinoffs