Zack Snyder's Justice League Review: A Longer and Better Justice League

in #cinetv3 years ago

After almost three years of campaigning and fan demand, we got the Zack Snyder version of the Justice League, and absolutely for 4 hours!

We got to see everything missing in the previous "Justice League" movie in the new 4 hours "Justice League" movie. All the small details are beautifully illustrated here. For example - Zack Snyder said that Cyborg is the heart of this movie, and that is what we feel in the movie.


Needless to say, this movie is too big, too long. Normally, I fall asleep whenever I go to watch a movie for so long. But the Justice League did not bore me. I have watched this movie continuously. There are many similarities with the Last Justice League, but most of the scenes and plots are totally new. There is a full 2 ​​hours of extra footage here.

Here each story is presented in detail, with the background. I didn't understand what was going on in the last movie, and it was very messy. From the activation of the "Mother Box" to the reason behind Stephenwolf's pursuit of the Mother Box, everything has been understood. Cyborg has got proper screen time to highlight his origin. His story has been fully explained. His character development was the best, which we did not see in the Last Justice League.


Another aspect that I liked here is that the reason for everyone joining the Justice League is well revealed here. For example, Batman's motive was that Superman died because of him. So he basically wanted to save the world from enemies by uniting all the superheroes. On the other hand, Aquaman joins the Justice League when Stephenwolf snatches a Motherbox by attacking the state of Atlantis.

Wonder Woman's story was not in detail since a solo movie about Wonder Woman has come out already, so the director did not waste much time here. Flash's screenplay seemed to be low but much better than the previous movie. As can be seen, Aquaman has been given less importance in the Justice League. That's not really the case! Aquaman's solo movie came out in 2016, where Aquaman's background, the kingdom of Atlantis, is all well explained. So it seems that Zack Snyder didn't want to make the movie bigger with the time behind Aquaman.

About two and a half hours later, Superman came into the movie! And just like the previous Justice League, Superman fights with the rest of the superheroes here. I thought I might see the same fight scene, but I was surprised to see that the whole fight scene was new.


Now let's come to the movie's villain Steppenwolf. I didn't understand the villain's power or background in the previous movie. Why is Steppenwolf running for Motherbox? Where did he come from? However, Steppenwolf has been given a completely new look in the new movie. And seeing his boss Darkseid reminds me of Thanos in the Avengers movie. I believe there is going to be a big fight in the next Justice League or part 2.

The cinematography of the movie is great, especially the action scenes. Awesome action scenes can be seen from the beginning of the film. Several action scenes are shown in the Slomo way. We also saw this kind of slow-motion action scene in Zack Snyder's previous famous movie "300". And every scene of the movie is so beautiful that you can set it as wallpaper with screenshots.

The movie didn't get much of a drawback, but CGI could have been better. Somewhere CGI seems weak. And for many, 4 hours of the movie may seem boring, for those who like to watch only fights in the movie. But I liked it, and it's a cool movie.

Overall I enjoyed this movie a lot! Zack Snyder gave some justice to the updated "Justice League" movie.


curious about watching this 'cuz the first version really felt like it was rushed 😅 thank you for sharing!

Then you'll be happy after watching the new one. Take out some time and watch it soon.