in #clb4 years ago

Hello Everyone. This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. Today's adventure is True Inner Peace. This is for all men and women everywhere. Today I become a mentor, leader, brother, and friend. How comfortable are you in your SKIN? What do you think about most? We all have good days and bad, and it's our thoughts that keep us in a peaceful state or fly off in a rage. If we go negative, we must bring ourselves back to the positive side as fast as possible. Head knowledge can be taught. Only heart knowledge, however, worked into our spirit as we EXPERIENCE a truth, can we impart.

Silhouette, Head, Bookshelf, Knowledge

Repeat after me READER: Today I choose to be happy. Today is going to be a great day. I choose to live in the here and now. I'm an overcomer. I will win. I will be whatever I choose to set my mind to, for the UNIVERSE is at my command. My vibrations line up with my thinking in life, business, and, relationships. Today I will be so POSITIVE, That negative people will not want to be around ME. I AM SOMEBODY. I AM SOMEBODY I AM SOMEBODY.

READER I believe in you. I encourage you to live life to the fullest. Don't settle for barely getting by. REPEAT OUT LOUD: I HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH, THAT I CAN SHARE WITH OTHERS.


Identity, Self, Authentic

Peace means freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions. Janet Legere's Thursday teaching was about how to speak to oneself. Lifting up words to encourage ourselves. Getting help through motivational videos, motivational books, and motivational people. Janet's book " Get Stuck On Happy" is a great place to start. I have several books I read daily-one chapter each book per day. 31 days of peace, 31 days of victory by Pastor Scott Reece. I'm halfway through Stu Weber's book-Four Pillars of a man's heart.

Applications Open for African Youth Ambassadors for Peace

The Greek word "ZOE" means absolute fullness of life, the blessing of life, and a vigorous and active life that is only found in relationships. Janet has a chapter in her book" Get Stuck On Happy", Express A Little Love. As you move through your day, stop, and make contact. A simple touch means so much. A wife's touch to her husband, husband putting his arms around his wife. Parent to a child. In my case, it's a brotherly hug for my sissy-boo, Barbra. She is eighteen months my senior. We have been close for most of our lives.

Bokeh, People, Couple, Kiss, Man, Woman

Tell someone they MATTER to you. Feeling valued is important for personal growth and leads to happiness. Just think, you might be the only person to give them positive energy for the day. A kind 'THANK YOU", Have a great day. Great job, I appreciate it so much. READER, You matter to me and I'm glad I get the opportunity to share with you.

Baby, Kid, Cute, Happy, Girl, Little

Do you have things in your house that makes you smile? You should have something in every room of your house to keep you in a peaceful, smiling state. Pictures, drawings, stuffed animals, gifts from family and friends. My wife loves frogs. For her, it stands for: Fully Rely On GOD. For me, it's collecting knives. I have over 150 knives.

Frogs, Many, Frog Assembly, Cute

You have a choice every day. Be happy or sad. There are enough sad people in the world already, so don't be one. CHOOSE LIFE. My life's choice is CLB Learning.

I have several resources that I use daily, to help me on my journey called life. TL2Ivm and CTP.


I have a special friend Tammy House. This amazing woman has a love for people that is a wonder to watch. Visit her website here

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"Today, I choose to be happy." ... these are words to live by every day ... love this post of positivity! Keep leading the way, Michael!