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RE: Click Funnels (Sales Funnels) My Experience

in #clickfunnels5 years ago

Tub Cat has experience with all of the marketing services that you have mentioned.

Tub Cat felt that CF was quite a poor platform.

Of all the marketing options available, Google Ads was the most effective by a long shot.

Feel free to ask the Mighty (and well washed) Tub Cat any questions you may have.

Posted using Partiko iOS


Tub Cat, why didn’t you like CF? Was it the integrations? I do get annoyed that you can’t have PayPal and Stripe payment options. Definitely looking forward to learning from goood ole Tub Cat!

  • drag and drop approach results in many pages looking very similar to one another.
  • affiliate program results in many sloppy pages out there with a CF logo on them - poor image/reputation.
  • the funnels are designed for upsell tactics that don’t suit all marketing strategies.
  • platforms with heavy reliance on affiliates to bring in sales are often poor choices to settle on.
  • a simple Wordpress site with some apps installed can achieve more and look better than a CF page.

The cost is also unjustified in my opinion. Have a look around and check your options before becoming too invested in CF.

I also hated CF’s constant attempts to get me to upgrade my subscription. However they did refund me when I got pissed off. So there’s something at least.

Damn... that’s some good info and food for thought! I swear one minute I feel like I’m figuring all this out and the next I’m like ... back to ground zero lol! Ugh... always learning though! Seriously thank you SO much!

Welcome, human who is slowly becoming appropriately washed.

I would hate to see a human waste money on a platform not deserving of said money.

Posted using Partiko iOS