My Central Truths

I've given some real thought as to what I wanted to post coming into 2021 and the New Year

By the way, the picture above is not specifically related to the topic at hand. This picture is the view across the lake I get from the deck at the cottage... I love this late evening view and always get my best thinking done at this time of the day, which is how it ties into this post this morning.

I'd like to think I'm a pretty straight-forward person for the most part. In fact, I've specifically gone out and looked for partners, mentors and sponsors who are very much the same way.

What you will discover in this business (if you haven't already) is that the online marketing space, can be a minefield. There are no end of "gurus" out there (both self proclaimed and real) that are literally shouting for your attention each and every day.

Trust me when I tell you, I don't think of myself as one of them. In fact, to learn my thoughts on this business, please visit my bio page if you haven't already. That should give you a pretty good understanding as to how I approach this business.

My purpose with this post this morning is to share with people a few thoughts on how I approach my online businesses and to a very large extent my life moving forward into this New Year. I believe this is important, so you'll understand the context behind the content I'm going to be writing in the days, weeks and months to come. These are the things I hold to be true... My truths if you will, given my experience in this business.

It's up to you whether you agree or disagree, but please read through this entire post without skipping on and hear me out before passing any judgments. After you're done, I'd love it if share your honest reactions to what I've written.

Agree or disagree, all comments and thoughts are welcome on this or any post I write. If you don't agree, that's fine... Not everyone will and I really am OK with that. I'm not looking for people who agree with me, but I am looking for people who can take what I say and apply it to their own circumstances.

TRUTH 1: FREE Advice Usually Gets Ignored!

I've been in this business since early 2012 and along the way, I've created a ton of content and training. Most of it FREE. My experience has been, that because I didn't charge anything, the training got ignored.

The point I'm trying to make here, is that it has also been my experience, that most people who struggle, have a hard time investing in the things that will truly help them! That could be the right tools or programs and training (even if it's free).

Many people can’t see past "right now" and will never have the focus or vision to accomplish their goals. NOT because the PAID information or tools are better but because you've actually paid money and as a consequence, once you pay for it... only then will many people pay attention! a

You see, I believe you PAY To PAY ATTENTION!

PLEASE… Don’t be the tire kicker… especially if you claim to be an entrepreneur! Always make sure you are investing in YOURSELF and YOUR BUSINESS...

TRUTH 2: Don’t Compete With ME… Compete With YOURSELF!

It's amazing how many people out there have an axe to grind or who want to be something they're not. This happens in personal as well as most people's business lives.

YOUR business is YOUR business and my business is MY business!

No two businesses are going to be the same and everyone is going to get different results. When it comes right down to it, the only person you want to dominate is YOURSELF.

There's a great Mark Cuban quote I love that I'd like you to stop and think about for a moment. I always try and remember it each and every day...

"Always Try To Put Yourself Out Of Business”

When you focus on competing with others…you run the risk of missing the end goal, which is to be 100% focused on serving your customer.

This is why your best strategy is to focus on being that little bit better at the end of each day, than you were in the morning. You'll hear me talk a lot more about this concept in the training and will see me post a lot about it...

The true competition should be YOU competing against YOURSELF to better YOUR business and life!

TRUTH 3: Only YOU Can "Own Your Success"

This truth is an extension of Truths 1 and 2 for me.

I've seen far too many people online, who think that someone out there "owes them a living". That's complete and total nonsense.

You need to understand from the outset that YOU are the only person who can be responsible for earning your own living. You must be committed to this business to make it work and take responsibility for the care and feeding of it.

Programs like #ClickTrackProft provide each and every one of us with an absolute "treasure trove" of training. The posts of so many of the members here on #CTPTalk augment that training and provide us all with a foundation for success. But YOU need to take the training and then most importantly put it into practice.

Execution along with consistency are incredibly important should you want to succeed.

TRUTH 4: FEED Your Sales Funnel Without Dependency

This last truth is much more focused on business... It may be self-evident to many of you, but you would be surprised just how many people just don't get this.

No LEADS = No Opportunity To Make Money... No CONVERSIONS = No Money At ALL!

It's absolutely crucial that you master marketing and lead generation! Hey... the business we're in is called online marketing... That should be a clue!

So, what does FEED The Funnel Without Dependency really mean?

You NEED to learn multiple methods of building your sales funnel without relying on any single method. Don’t fall in love with just one lead generation method.

Don’t Drink The Kool-Aid!!!

For example... If you strictly rely only on Facebook Advertising, what happens when your ads account gets suspended!

It's important that you master one marketing strategy first and then slowly become knowledgeable at others.

There are going to be methods you like and methods you dislike... There are also going to be ones that work for you and ones that don't. All of that's OK... Once again, #ClickTRackProfit and the training is here to help you through all of that.

Please take the training... All of it... Don't be in a hurry and skip around and skip through things. To actually get the full benefit of the training, most people should work through it in the order we've presented it and follow each step in order. If you don't, you'll run the risk of missing something important. Everything builds from the step prior, so please have some patience and just follow the steps.

In closing, I'd like to wish all of you here at #CTPTalkand wonderful, joyous and prosperous 2021. New year, new beginnings. I truly hope something I've written here this morning will add some value to that new beginning...

Always remember... Only You Can OWN YOUR SUCCESS !!!