The Money I Earn

in #client7 years ago

I’ve never felt like I completely own the money I’ve earned. Maybe it's because I don’t really feel present in this job either. It may be that the simple and repetitive tasks, and the distance that separates me from my colleagues and clients have turned me into a ghostly character, who is not occupying his post.

I work alone inside a booth. Through the window, I attend to clients who often give me money against their will, but paying for a supposed service. Most clients, for the most part, do not notice me. I don't know if this requires any effort or if it comes naturally to them. What matters is your message, which as an order, I receive and obey: While working, I am not someone determined by the past but at the same time different from yesterday. I am not someone with characteristics that make me unique or make me the same with the rest, I am not moved by emotions or reasoning. I am not part of a portion of history and geography, of a language, of habits, of a political and economic plot along with others. My clients, bosses, and my post, demand that I give up all that to properly carry out my duty. Delay in the consideration of these variables, which as an individual I pass through is reporting a puerile. The movement of my arms, head, mouth and eyes, the expression of a not very large number of verbal phrases, an elementary capacity for addition and subtraction and the use of a computer will be useful.

It took me a while to understand the concrete demands of the post because I misunderstood the company's message. It reveals, through advertising and institutional communications, a constant concern for the need of each person, both inside and outside of it. Now I know that the message is not incompatible with the activity of my post, except that this knowledge is intuitive and cannot be defined with the tools of reasoning and therefore is unquestionable. The Company, together with the work it condescend to give us, also gives us the opportunity to organize our lives, to walk at a steady pace, to have a place to belong to. Therefore, we consider evidence of thoughtlessness, immaturity, pettiness and ingratitude in every act that questions his way of operating.