in #cn7 years ago (edited)

internet user.jpg






一个好的密码必须由字母,数字符号等组成,例如M4_09! ...让你的密码足够强大,没有地球上的恶魔能够猜到。














(10 years ago, what Internet use be is not what it is now, many things have changed; There has been a great improvement in technology, and it has made our lives easier. It's difficult to find someone who is not on social media ... even my grandma is on social media, Steeming, Tweeting, Facebooking and Instagram-ing.

Despite these improvements, there are things you should not do online, some of us are guilty and it is important to correct it.

  1. Using one password:

I agree that only few people can remember all their passwords. So they find a good strong password and use for everything. It is absolutely wrong to use the same password for Steemit, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, email, etc. You must have more than one password. In fact, you need at least three to five different passwords that you use for different Internet accounts.

  1. Using a weak password:

Do you know that many of us use easy to guess passwords? How can you use 123456 or 7654321 as a password, This can make any dummy easily guess your password and hack your account. You can even use your date of birth as a password, its totally wrong.
A good password must consist of letters, numbers symbols etc ... e.g M4_09! ... Let your password be strong enough for no demon on earth to be able to guess.

  1. Be careless with login details:

Let's have the good facts ... They call it login details because it is unique to you, what belongs to you and nobody else ... not even your wife or boyfriend should have access to your login details. This way, your information is safe when it is known only to you.

  1. Storing your password in public computers, or personal computers.

Some of us still make use of Café and even store our login details in the browser used, its definitely wrong. Even storing your own passwords on your personal computer too isn't appropriate because someone else might access it someday.

  1. Display your email address in a comment:

Never leave your email address on any blog, Steemit or all platforms that expose it to the public, it's not safe.

  1. Links in Email:

Criminals love clickable links to emails. They really love them. Yes, they are a good idea in theory. But sometimes theory and real life do not work the same way. Clicking an email link may take you to a site that has malware.
In short, do not download any attachment you aren't aware of in your mail, they can use it to hack into your account.

  1. Do not sync your social media account

Sync Facebook, Instagram, twitter so that when you update on Facebook, it will automatically send it to other social network, is wrong. It sounds good in theory, but it's terrible in real life. You have to understand that every social media is different. What works on Facebook does not work on Steemit, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram.

  1. Revealing your mobile number:

Many people are guilty of this, posting of mobile number on Steemit so that anyone can contact you or WhatsApp. Be smart & wise about it.

Keep your privacy private ... before the public makes your privacy public. )


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