[52-55]@盎真科研浙大论文代写挂名Anzen Science Ghostwrite https://sci.zone/big5/NGSRC 林佑杰 刺殺習近平 谢敬艺 山东吴庆珂 玻璃心NMSL马来支那豚 共同富裕 台独 韭菜 新疆维吾尔种族屠杀 天安门事件

in #cn3 years ago
NoProject Title (can be general scientific field title, it is fine without exact title)中文翻译关键词Impact Factor (IF)Type (Original article, review or meta analysis)Available authorshipsStatus of project (not started, on-going, paper writing, ready to submit)researchers时间摘要
52Neuroprotective effect of rutin and lithium chloride: A inhibitor of glial fibrillary acidic protein polymerization in a mouse model of cerebral ischemia associated brain injury芦丁和氯化锂的神经保护作用:胶质纤维酸性蛋白聚合的抑制剂在脑缺血相关性脑损伤的小鼠模型中。IF: 2 - 5Original articleAll positionsPaper writingaruna23-May
53Title for Parkinson disease: 'Therapeutic investigation of beta-carotene in rotenone-induced Parkinson's disease rat model帕金森氏病的标题:“在鱼藤酮诱导的帕金森氏病大鼠模型中治疗β-胡萝卜素的研究IF: 2 - 5Original articleAll positionsPaper writingaruna23-MayNeed agreement to pay article publication charges (Range 2500-3000 USD)
54breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer, glioma, colon cancer and osteosarcoma乳腺癌,肺癌,前列腺癌,胰腺癌,卵巢癌,神经胶质瘤,结肠癌和骨肉瘤‘’3-(>5)Original articleAll positionsdata collectedaamir23-MayDate of article submission: Before 13th June 2021.
55The etiology of Corona virus: natural compounds, Drugs, and Vaccine新冠病毒的病因:天然化合物,药物和疫苗2 to 3Review articleAll positionsready to submitsayeed25-Mayfor 4-5 IF, Need agreement to pay article publication charges (Range 2500-3000 USD)

浙江大学学术论文挂名服务 Zhejiang University ISI Research Paper Authorships Sale 林东强 姚善泾 林佑杰 梁慧仪 吴庆珂 盎真科研 Anzen Science Company https://sci.zone/anzensci /stm



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