
in #cn4 years ago (edited)



Damn single = 单身狗

God is a girl = 天道不公

乱炖 = random

Able was I ere I saw Elba = 败落孤岛孤落败 (拿破仑说过的的一句话,原作译文皆为回文)

Talk is cheap,show me the code = 废话少说,放码过来

在北京找不着北 = Disoriented in the orient

GESTAPO = 盖世太保

Seven ate Nine = 七把九食

岁(碎)岁(碎)平安 = piece is peace

地沟油 = dig oil

Hey Jude, don't be afraid ...... = 嘿,朱德,董必武服你的 ......

like a god, like a dog = 像王又像汪,想忘又向往

An apple a day keeps the doctor away = 一天一苹果,医生远离我

An apple a day keeps the doctor away = 天天苹果累,博士没学位(抄了这么多神翻译,咱也交个作业)