Medium Trend As Weight Loss, What is Green Coffee?

in #coffee6 years ago

Green coffee is known to lose weight. But do you know what green coffee really is?

Green Coffee Extract (GCE) is an extract produced from arabica coffee beans that are still green. Coffee beans are touted to contain compounds known as chlorogenic acids that are considered to lose weight.


Unlike ordinary coffee beans, this green coffee bean extract contains low caffeine and does not cause stimulant effects. Chlorogenic acids will also be destroyed when the coffee beans undergo a process of heating (roasting).

Although it is not yet clear how it works. Launched in Body Building (05/08) chlorogenic acids may be able to help remove fat by increasing the activity of the PPARalpha gene involved in the transport of fatty acids and oxidation and reduce the appearance of new fat cells through the effects of antioxidants.


A 2007 study published in the Journal of International Medical Research found that when GCE can lose about 5 Kg within 12 weeks when combined with exercise. Compared with a decrease of only 1 Kg if only coffee only.

In Forbes (09/09) Dr. Oz experiments on 100 women who are all taken from audiences in the studio for his show. Respondents were given green coffee bean extract and pill containing placebo for two weeks.

In two weeks the group of women who consumed coffee bean extract experienced an average of about 0.90 kg. However, the group given the placebo on average lost weight by 0.45 kg this may be because they are more aware of the consumption of healthy foods


Although not harm the body, but it is not known exactly whether the routine of drinking green coffee can help eliminate fat optimally or not. Green coffee can be purchased in the form of powder or capsule.

One place that sells green coffee online in instagram is greencoffee_sby, exoticoslimmingcoffee to greencoffee_indo.

Can be purchased online in Instagram or in some big supermarkets with the price of Rp 45.000 - Rp 180.000 for coffee beans and Rp 65.000-Rp 90.000 for the capsule with the contents of 60 to 100 capsules.