Addicted to coffee - reviewing caffeine

in #coffee2 months ago

Addicted To Coffee



I always ensure to buy a different coffee brand, or flavour, or country of origin, when getting pods for my Nespresso machine. Apart from the fact that it lets me explore a good variety and perhaps discover new coffee brands that are good, it's also because I make taste test reviews of the coffee. I post the reviews with affiliate links which sometimes lead to people buying the coffee and earning me commissions.

I drank two cups in the morning, one more than usual, while reviewing this specific brand. As far as I was concerned, I had taken my coffee quota for the day based on the new 2-cup limit I've set myself per day. Halfway through the day, however, I developed a kind of mild headache that was quite annoying. I was also quite fatigued, yawning frequently, so much so that I had a few people ask if I was ok.

While editing the video, I discovered that the coffee was "decaffeinated". Ah! It made sense. Effectively I hadn't taken any coffee that day, and my body was responding to it. It meant that even though I got the phycological satisfaction, the physiological one was wanting. I hadn't gotten my fix for the day. That is to say, I am addicted to coffee!!

I once wrote a masterpiece of sorts about coffee which was about 4 thousand words long, complete with sketches and photos, which I posted on Hive. I unfortunately had to delete it because my post was about to be reported to Hivewatchers for not providing enough references. I only had two references, which I had included in the article, but apparently I had too many facts in there for that to be believable. What can I say? Maybe I just know that much about my favourite drink haha. I don't drink alcohol so coffee is my only vice and I've studied it deeply over years. Anyway, I was going to repost it at som point, perhaps on a different platform, but sadly I lost the post since wrote it directly into Hive. I know the post is till on the blockchain, but I don't have the tools or knowledge to retrieve deleted posts. Anyway that's water under the bridge now - "Agua pasada", as the Spanish would say.

Basically all, the long and short of it is, all coffee lovers are really coffee addicts. Our brains are hooked to caffein is why we long for the smell and taste of what is really a bitter and disgusting brew when taken in it's pure natural form. There is a reason why some people need to add milk and sugar or syrup to take that harsh bitter taste away. It's an addiction, but a socially acceptable one. It's similar to how we are addicted to sugar. Coffee withdrawals symptoms aren't quite as bad as those of sugar or other drugs though. It's mainly associated with feelings of fatigue and reduced mental acuity. The symptoms can also lead to moodiness and, in extreme cases, anxiety and depression.

I stopped by a cafe and ordered myself a small black americano. About half an hour later, all my symptoms were gone.

Peace & Love,



There is also one of my friends who loves coffee and we had to name him the coffee man
I don’t know who loves coffee more between you two

Probably me since I'm the world's number 1 lover of coffee :)