Pairing Coffee And Cannabis For Market Success

in #coffee7 years ago

The legal cannabis market in the US is a multi-billion dollar industry right now, that is expected to reach somewhere around $11 billion by 2020. And coffee is one of the most consumed drinks in the world. It was only a matter of time before the two were further paired together in the market now that legalization has been pursued.

An increasing number of entrepreneurs have been looking to pair cannabis with caffeine in order to cash in big.

Various cannabis startups have looked at breaking into this space and they are now selling cannabis-infused coffee pods in the US.

One of them (though not the first) being the Brewbudz coffee pods from parent company Cannabiniers. These pods are said to be compatible with both Keurig and Keurig 2.0 brewers, offered in a variety of dose strengths; you can get anywhere from 10mg of THC to 50mg.

Those behind the Brewbudz pods say that the product is helping to remove the stigma surrounding cannabis by offering people a chance to experience consuming it in a much more discrete manner.

With their cannabis coffee pods, you can also choose from regular or decaf options, as well as various tea. To make it even more appealing, their product is also said to be responsibly sourced and the pods are 100 percent compostable.

The only drawback for many might be the cost, which is currently around $7 per pod.

The pods are being produced by a factory in Las Vegas; another region where you'll find legal cannabis.

And those working in the cannabis coffee space have said that when you use a product like this, the coffee pods, that it helps to remove the smell and familiarity of cannabis that many people are used to. And it helps to take the fear out of trying it for many people, it can help people to learn about a product that they might otherwise have neglected to investigate.

The coffee + cannabis combo is drawing an increasing amount of interest from people all around the US. Some cannabis coffee businesses in the US, like Gangja Grindz, have said that they have seen their sales increase by at least 600 percent or so in just the last year.

Aside from helping to introduce cannabis to newcomers, it's also suggested that the coffee pods are a great way for those who need it to be able to get a regular dose in a much more convenient way. By choosing the right pod, with the right dosage amount, they can be sure they are always getting the amount that they want.

Overall, there are at least 29 different states so far, along with the District of Columbia, that have sought to legalize cannabis for either recreational or medicinal purposes.

Brewbudz via business insider


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I’ve been making infused half & half for...a lot longer than we’ve had rec in Oregon.

I had to give up the “wake & bake” for a while before full legalization, because I couldn’t guarantee access to sativas that wouldn’t make me want to go back to sleep, and I had adulting to do.

But now that we have access to so many products and so many choices, I have things I wouldn’t have been able to find in flower form 2 years ago in live resin form, and have joyfully re-embraced the wake & bake.

Is this to start the day or end the day. :)

My favorite way to start the day is with a cup of coffee and a blunt. I would LOVE to try this product.

Just like crypto, it's the wild west. So many things to come. So many industries we haven't even thought of yet.

For me thc and caffiene is an amazing combo. Also try thc infused tea👌🏼

That's so awesome! Two of my favorite things😊

whoa, didn't know cannabis can be infused with coffee!

Cannabis can be infused with just about everything. It’s good to mix with all varieties of food

I am not big on edibles but weed infused coffee sounds pretty cool

The way things are going everything is going to have cannabis involved

cannabis toothpaste next perhaps? hahhaa

I would try it, I want to try it but I am the one who would get caught :)

Such an awesome idea!! Its about damn time that we see cannabis entering the mainstream with all sorts of convenient and discrete forma of consumption!!!

My family does a white elephant gift exchange at our Christmas party. A few pods seems like a really funny gift but Arrrrgh! I just finished my shopping. It will have to wait until next year!

haha!! that would be funny!

It's never too late! :)

You've gotta love the Yanks. For so many years the Dutch have been selling cannabis in coffee shops and have never thought of pairing the 2 like this.

Do you think it is to encourage and extend legalization?

I always enjoy making butter coffee with infused butter and or infused coconut oil , so good, great amount of pep for the mornings.

They do pair great together and I have heard of some companies prototyping this "cannacoffee" concept. I can imagine many products infused with cannabis derivatives along with the current fat-based goods (dressings, candies, cereals, etc). Especially for the therapeutic CBD oriented non-psychoactive segment. I say bring it on!

Cannabis is King. Once the Feds give the all clear big business, pharma and tobacco will move into the cannabis business buying out the current owners.

Hi, man, I also drink coffee in the morning, evening, night and when I meet a friend all day because my coffee gives me monthly bonus I am a registered coffee user, You (everyone) can also get bonuses monthly to get plz. register for free by clicking following link :
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Very cool @doitvoluntarily! :)
Unfortunately this progress is nowhere to be found in Sweden where we still have really strict laws and a stigma surrounding this most powerful of healing plants.

all the best ..........

Thanks for giving market information

Intriguing combo. I am a Registered Nurse on hospital night shifts for two-plus decades so have become a coffee buff. Coffee actually has many beneficial qualities. Also interested in potential for health benefits for medical marijuana and/or CBD hemp products. And I like making money, so interested in up and coming products, stocks, cryptocurrency etc. I recently bought some Potcoin cryptocurrency which is supposed to make it easier for the legal marijuana biz to handle transactions since the federal stuff hasn't been resolved yet and marijuana based companies are having issues with banks not wanting to work with them as a result.

CBD derived products are where it's at. Not many people know that cannabis, pre-prohibition, was a 1:1 concentration of THC and CBD and not too potent. I can imagine once laws lax, people will gravitate off the "moonshine-like" knock out strains and move towards a nutritional supplement style approach.

Indeed it would make good marketing sense to combine the two. There are countless health benefits. Caffeinated Jesus Juice! Wow! What other markets will they legalize? Thanks!

Hi, man, I also drink coffee in the morning, evening, night and when I meet a friend all day because my coffee gives me monthly bonus I am a registered coffee user, You (everyone) can also get bonuses monthly to get plz. register for free by clicking following link :
also contact me after joining.

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Peace in Blunts Fam 🔥💨

Wah, Informati sekali postingannya, Di Negara saya Indonesia Ganja masih illegal, Padahal kami di Provinsi Aceh memiliki tanaman Ganja kualitas terbaik dunia, Namun apa hendak dikata legalitas tanaman ini menjadi kendala bagi masyarakat di Aceh untuk membangkitkan ekonomi dari perkebunan Ganja ini :(

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wow, it's amazing information :)
Thank you for shared it
Regard from Aceh, Indonesia

I have mixed feelings about drinking coffee and consuming cannabis, if they are just for pleasure. I think both are drugs, that can modify our consciousness. But it can be told about chocolate as well :P as this is a "happiness-hormone", and I love so much. One year ago I was still a coffee addict and drank 4-5 cups of strong coffee per day, then I gave it up last February, after 30 years. Needless to say I had withdrawal symptoms as heavy headache. Now I think I don't need it any more.

Well, let's speak about cannabis, which is a wonderful and very useful plant, but "double-edged weapon".
Decisive is how much THC the cannabis contains. Medical cannabis with high THC is ok, it can even heal people who suffer from cancer. But cannabis for pleasure/recreation is just as unacceptable for me as smoking, coffee, alcohol or too much sweets. Danger is: addiction! You need some "light" drugs to feel happy, or you cannot be happy without them. Instead of consuming something, meditation or body excersize is much better! It's just my opinion and I fully respect other opinions.

Society has gotten to a point where half of the population needs “happiness hormones” in the form of psychiatric medications. Most of which we don’t even fully(or sometimes even partially) understand how these medicines work.

We know enough about cannabis to know that it’s not dangerous, NOT “addictive”(fact,) and certainly less dangerous than most of the psychiatric drugs being handed out like candy.

I’m guessing you’re not against the shoving of psychiatric drugs down our societal throats, so that makes this opinion hypocritical.

Yes you have a right to your opinion, but if you honestly believe that people dealing with issues that would otherwise have them in a shrinks office with a hit of cannabis are “wrong,” I also have a right to laugh at it...

Oh good.please upvot and follow me.

Ganja dan kopi masih jadi khas Aceh bos. Berminat.

Perfect for those who don’t want to smoke or only want to medicate once a day, aka senior citizens :)

Drinking coffee and getting high? Where do I sign up do I sign up for that combo?
