Coming down with a cold? Here's how to stop it in it's tracks!

in #colds7 years ago

You know that feeling. You wake up in the morning and you feel a cold coming on. Or you're at work, everyone's been hacking up a storm around you, and you start to feel it--a dull headache, slightly elevated body temperature, and you can just tell your body is starting to fight something off. And your heart sinks knowing you're going to be dealing with cold symptoms for the next 5 days.

But wait, for every problem there is a solution, and let me tell you, this one works for me 99% of time.

Hydrogen peroxide.

In the EAR!

hydrogen peroxide.png

As soon as you start to feel sick, start the following simple procedure:

  1. Get some hydrogen peroxide 3% and a small dropper. These are available from your local drugstore.

  2. Lay on your side on a bed or couch and using the dropper put 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide in the ear. Let the fluid sit there for 10 minutes. You may feel a bubbling sensation. This is normal.

  3. Drain the hydrogen peroxide from your ear, turn over, and repeat with 3 drops in the other ear.

  4. If you started feeling sick in the morning, do the above procedure once in the morning and once in the evening. If you feel sick in the evening, do it once in the evening and once the following morning.

  5. Enjoy not getting sick!

One point to mention is you must do this when you START to feel something coming on. It will not work if you already have a full fledged cold. Every time I have done this early enough, say within 4 or 5 hours of starting to feel something, I have never gotten sick. Not bad! Oh, and I have experienced no side effects. Try it the next time you feel like you're going to get a cold. You will not be disappointed!

Some other references in addition to my own experience:

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This is not medical advice. I am not responsible for any adverse affects to your health that occur as a result of using the remedy described in this post. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. I am simply stating here what has worked for me. Lastly, I am not affiliated in any way with the brands, companies, or websites noted in this post.