Act Now Give Yourself Options

in #colorado7 years ago (edited)

You name your crisis a massive flood, world war III, civil unrest, Banking crisis it really doesn't matter when comes you will simply want to have a retreat. It will not matter if it is a 750 square foot shack, a trailer or just a piece of land to set up your makeshift shelter. Its no longer about return on investment it is all about getting far enough away that you have a chance to survive the chaos. I have recently been working with several clients who are not dooms day kind of folks but they just truly are concerned with the unknown and before their money becomes worthless they want to put it into something that may help them in a difficult time. It is truly hard to know what the future holds and we certainly want to be optimist and if you never needed it well the worst thing that could happen to you is that you own it. Something to consider, time seems to be running out potential disasters seem to be clouding up the sky's maybe it is just a numbers game, maybe it's just the Boy Scout in me that says you must be prepared maybe it's the idea facing my children and saying sorry I didn't really see this coming. Whatever the case if you have ever considered a retreat this may be the time to act!!!!