ColorChallenge - Thursday Green - "The Color of Abundance"

in #colorchallenge6 years ago

It's Thursday...again!!!
Thank goodness for another day for which to be grateful!

It's winter in Texas.
The leaves are on the ground rebuilding the soil.
The long grasses and crops are dormant until the spring warms the earth.
The color of life changes its hues of brown, reminding us of the perfection of the design.
Appreciation for the cycles of nature,
helps us to remember the symbiotic cohesion of contrast in all things.

Since it's Thursday Green, I bring you a breath of the @gardenofeden in the summer,
when everything around us explodes into vibrant shades of beauty.
This photo was taken before the sunflowers wave their yellow faces throughout the land.
The garden provides a mass amount of life force energy to help feed the people.

"The Color of Abundance"

May you all have an abundant day filled with gratitude for all that is.

If you'd like to help bring more love to this community,
please consider playing the "Thank You For Being" game.
It's amazing how our appreciation is expanding and
how we are connecting on deeper levels more than ever!
I invite you to check it out--
it could change our entire experience here on Steemit,
and trickle into our lives in all corners of the world.

Thank you dear friend @kalemandra for offering this on-going challenge to appreciate the rainbow.




Bless~*~ beautiful nature,great photo shoot

Thanks! It's an amazing garden!

wow....I like it...

Thats a great and amazing photography my friend...I totally appreciate your working system..Best of luck..I wish you win this challange ..

I don't think this challenge is for winning, but instead for sharing. I'm glad you appreciate it.

@everlove Beautiful color and love that you are feeding people and doing your part to make the world better. Thank you :)

My pleasure beyond measure!

Nature is alwyes great....
thanks sharing..the garden is really good i have interest about it....
go and keep it up...

Nature always has the answers! Thanks for the comment @iqbalhossin.

nice post about gardening...
i like this post because i love gardening
thanks for sharing

Gardening is a beautiful thing!

This photography very nice,,nature is a very beautiful..i appreciate your contest..thanks for sharing this post..

Thank you, and you're welcome @sharminkona.

White abundance drives those who seek it to find their own connection to the divine. Those attracted to white abundance desire their cup to “runneth over,” but in this case, the Self is the cup. Their greatest treasures lie within the self; within a connection to the eternal rather than the transitory. For this reason, those attracted to white abundance tend to live the experience of being abundant and knowing abundance, rather than seeking abundance. With this mind-set, every moment is one of gratitude for what one already is or has, without any need to gain something in the future to complete oneself.

Abundance is every color or the rainbow...the full spectrum of possibility. May we all be blessed with more than enough, with our cup running over, and gratitude for all that is. Thanks for the comment @flora.lori.

this is the color which is always refreshing and relaxing. so i love the color green. btw beautifully captured.

Me too...nature really has a potent expression. Thanks for your comment @pinkayesh.

Nice contribution to the challenge!

your photo reminds me of where I grew up.

Awe....where might that be @theladyburgsadven?

amazing view!!

My everyday enjoyment!

Hi everlove
I grew up in western Canada among trees and farm land.
I have shot photos all of my life and I appreciate a good photo.

It's such a beautiful existence to be connected to nature. What a great way to grow up! I grew up in the mountains in Colorado, amongst the aspens and whispering pines. Thanks for your comment and for your appreciation @theladybugsadven.

Happy Thursday.

Beautiful verse that you have put. It's good that winter is the favorite time for me.
Hoping that this week has been helpful for you. Follow your success

A big hug from your friend, I hope we can continue reading

Winter is an awesome time, as contrast is essential to experience. My favorite is the warmth...but blessing it all.

A wonderful piece of fragrant summer day. So much of greenery around. Green is the auspicious color for our eyes. It is the color of harmony and relaxation. Have a nice day!

And of the heart, love, forgiveness, and compassion. Have a nice day too @anna-mi.

Thanks a lovely picture of summer everlove, looks like a British summer : )

I'm grateful for a helping of summer today as the temperatures are down in the 20sF. I haven't been to Britain in the summer. I'm glad it's beautiful there too. Thanks for the comment @harj.

That sounds cold! Everlove You should come to Stratford upon Avon. I don't live too far from there. I'm sure you would love it. Shakespeare country : )

Who day I just may make it there! Every place has its blessing!!! Today we have sunshine!!!

Awww wonderful see you soon!!! and Thank you! everlove did you like my last art post called "indiffrence" ? would be great to get your interpretion! : )

Thanks for sharing this as always. Nature is always beautiful. Green is a sign of abundance and agriculture. Love this.

Nature really does have all the answers, and enjoying it to the fullest really is an incredible blessing. Thanks for stopping by @olawalium. It's great to have you here.

Always great to read from you. Thanks a lot. 😊